How's the RP community here?

73 Goblin Death Knight
I'm just searching for a new server with more RP focus on Horde side than my current one.
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91 Troll Warlock
The RP Community here while small, is in a time of rebirth. I have seen in my few days of active RP searching (not so much focused on my leveling like I have) new faces each night in some form or another. Last evening as a matter of fact, I had random walk up RP with a friend of one of my guildies.

So to answer your question entirely. Its good, its small but its good from what I have seen so far. It needs more work but the beating heart of the Horde RP community is still there and its still proud to be Horde RP'ers.

So if you come to join us, be proud of your RP roots and do not let anyone take it from you.

Take care Brother RP'er.
Edited by Zulkir on 11/22/2011 12:08 PM PST
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