One day in the life of Gottfried.

85 Human Warrior
Came back from the part time job I took while college is out, brought a can of Heineken and got myself a warm shower before placing said Heineken next to my comp and logged in WoW.

Said my hellos to a couple of friends in guild, then proceeding to click on the Join Battleground button. Sometimes I like to queue solo.

Got in, it was BG weekend and cracks my knuckles in anticipation of the ensuing bloodshed.

I know we can't win all games, but when we win we had to fight tooth and nail for it and when we lose it seemed always easy game for Horde. Despite this, I still love my Horde pals in this server.

Per usual, no one cared about Stables so I took the liberty to defending stables with the lone healer whom the rest of the group left alone.

Game goes on, a few skirmishes in stables here and there. Throughout the entire game been calling out incomings from where I can see, but things are looking bleak for the Alliance. Nothing new.

No one seems interested in defending stables, so I stayed there with the new healer friend I made. Over the course of the battle, I simply do my job staying put there and making sure not a single Horde tapped the flag.

Game was almost over, and keep in mind I'm still defending stables. Keep in mind me and heals had good synergy. Nothing tapped the flag.

And then the clarion call cometh:

"Everyone should obey Gottfried - Sisters of Elune". (sarcasm)

"So it must be easy to sit on stables and watch your team died, huh?"

"Defence? More like you're not playing".

"Lawl, u all are noobs".

"You're from an RP server anyway Gottfried, your contribution means nothing".

"RP'ers only do the @%%!@ job of 'Defence' anyway".


Thank you for the kinds words to this humble Knight of Arathor.

I'm Gottfried, and I'm standing guard at Stables. Alone or with like-minded friends.

It may be a thankless task, but someone had to do it.

Thank you.
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100 Night Elf Druid
lol I love the idiots who yell at you for defending when you're one of the only ones at a base XD
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Which is hilarious, because in AV, they always !@#$% about people NOT defending. Lmfao.
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100 Night Elf Druid
^ hahaha
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100 Undead Warrior
"Ya know what: If I had feelings, I'd feel bad for you. But people only cry when they're not winning. The world needs defenders, and if they DEFENDED BETTER, the match would've probably gone to you guys... from what it seems. But everyone falls into the 5-cap bloodlust. You did your job... too bad they cannot do theirs..."

So says the Raging Forsaken.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I appreciate you, buddy. It's a tough job but sometimes you have to do it. And by sometimes, I mean usually.
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85 Human Warrior
Keep in mind I'm not depressed or anything, but I sometimes wonder which somewhat applies to both sides of the game (Horde and Alliance that is), on why is it the majority of humanity never look at their own mistakes where they rather point fingers and use the blame game.

As someone who loves RP and Pvp in general, I get that crap alot. Especially when I decided to play the defense game. Not to mention getting made fun of by my server of choice.

And when I see people from "top" Pvp servers, namely Kel'Thuzad, Tichondrius, Illidan, Darkspear, or [insert server name here] make more horrible mistakes that even a 5 year old can tell the difference with, no one gives them jack?
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100 Undead Warrior
Keep in mind I'm not depressed or anything, but I sometimes wonder which somewhat applies to both sides of the game (Horde and Alliance that is), on why is it the majority of humanity never look at their own mistakes where they rather point fingers and use the blame game.

As someone who loves RP and Pvp in general, I get that crap alot. Especially when I decided to play the defense game. Not to mention getting made fun of by my server of choice.

And when I see people from "top" Pvp servers, namely Kel'Thuzad, Tichondrius, Illidan, Darkspear, or [insert server name here] make more horrible mistakes that even a 5 year old can tell the difference with, no one gives them jack?

Just because they from a PVP server, doesn't mean they have... what was that called... the oximoron term... oh yes: COMMON SENSE!

Just like most from PVP servers will talk trash about RP servers, but yet, RP servers seem to know the BG objectives better than, "Let us zerg mid field and fight our enemies!"
"But dude, this is a capture the flag styled game?"
"Capture the what now?"

Or what I usually get to see...
"They have our Flag!"
"Well go get it!"
"They have a healer and a tank is holding the flag!"
"Then go get it!"
"Bro, I'm 1 Rogue. 1v2?"
"So what, go get it!"

Yeah, will just run right up, poke the healer in they eye, kick the tank in the groin and yoink the flag in the process from two that are literally waiting on me. Works, every time!

I feel your pain OP. I truly do. People love to blame others when they refuse to see they made a technical error. Just bare with it. You had the right plan. Defense is as important as offense if not more so in certain matches.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I feel your pain, Gotty. Reminds me of a special time I had in EotS...

There I was, charging the blood elf tower as I had "sensed" it was empty and sure enough it was, but only for a moment as I was quickly engaged by 7, yes SEVEN of the horde elite.

I assume my Optimus Prime battle stance and shouted, "You'll never stop at one. I'll take you all on!" and I then proceeded to defend my !@# off (yay blood spec) for near five minutes, although the base colors had obviously not shifted my way.

The best part was... the other 14 Alliance were facing the other 7 Horde and yet, they -still- did not have a single base. WTF?!

The moral of the story is... *scratches head* I don't think I have one, sorry.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I feel your pain, Gotty. Reminds me of a special time I had in EotS...

There I was, charging the blood elf tower as I had "sensed" it was empty and sure enough it was, but only for a moment as I was quickly engaged by 7, yes SEVEN of the horde elite.

I assume my Optimus Prime battle stance and shouted, "You'll never stop at one. I'll take you all on!" and I then proceeded to defend my !@# off (yay blood spec) for near five minutes, although the base colors had obviously not shifted my way.

The best part was... the other 14 Alliance were facing the other 7 Horde and yet, they -still- did not have a single base. WTF?!

The moral of the story is... *scratches head* I don't think I have one, sorry.

At least you put effort into trying to take a base :] some people bail and the rest of the team is in mid and horde 4 caps *sigh*
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85 Human Warrior
I'm Muireanne, and I defend the farm. By myself.

Because priests can, like, heal themselves, right.

Let's be friends.


12/09/2011 03:23 PMPosted by Zxenoni
I feel your pain OP. I truly do. People love to blame others when they refuse to see they made a technical error. Just bare with it. You had the right plan. Defense is as important as offense if not more so in certain matches.

I've travelled to Tichondrius and the majority of duel practices I saw there contains people who don't know jack about their class utilities while relying sorely on their pure burst output.

Yet I came across duel practices in front of our SoE Stormwind, and hey... even our Pvp elitist braggers knows their class. And then comes along the big names showing who's the guru among them all.

So wut? People in RP servers know more about Pvp than Pvp servers.

Does not compute.

12/07/2011 09:23 PMPosted by Kadov
I appreciate you, buddy. It's a tough job but sometimes you have to do it. And by sometimes, I mean usually.

Thanks. Oh, and btw... I'm in ur guild, stealing ur Aiona's. <_<
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100 Undead Warrior
I know man, I know. I just laugh when I hear that tired line of, "I'm from a PVP server, I'm better at PVP than you RPers." Then I find myself asking, "...if you're so good at PVP, why did I beat you and... you're a mage... and I'm... Fury? I didn't even stance dance at all, AND you got the first shot... What?" Then I get ignored for some reason. <.<

As a fellow Warrior, know that you are appreciated and because you have common sense, do not think for 3 seconds that others do.

Horde side is just as bad.
"Get mid field and fight everything!"
"Dude... we need to get the flag."
"!@#$ NOOB! L2P!"
"...O-kay... so, I'll be getting the flag then before we lose THIS match too..."
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85 Human Warrior
I feel your pain, Gotty. Reminds me of a special time I had in EotS...

There I was, charging the blood elf tower as I had "sensed" it was empty and sure enough it was, but only for a moment as I was quickly engaged by 7, yes SEVEN of the horde elite.

I assume my Optimus Prime battle stance and shouted, "You'll never stop at one. I'll take you all on!" and I then proceeded to defend my !@# off (yay blood spec) for near five minutes, although the base colors had obviously not shifted my way.

The best part was... the other 14 Alliance were facing the other 7 Horde and yet, they -still- did not have a single base. WTF?!

The moral of the story is... *scratches head* I don't think I have one, sorry.

I hate fighting Blood DK's with a passion, but Aeralynn is an exception. =3

@Zxenoni: Not to mention we have people who want fast BG's so they can grab honor faster.

Somestimes they've no idea that prolonged slugfests in AV = jackton of honor.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'ma an Aqua, and in AV I love to sit and defend IBGY. I don't care if I get yelled at for it, boomkin stealthed on hill sniping=fun. :]
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90 Human Paladin
@Zxenoni Oh how id love to pvp with you cause you have the super power people seem to lack. The best of all powers "Common Sense"

When i do pvp, i'm shocked at how long it takes people to get on the healer. Iv even sat back and watched a battle, a 4v2, where it was just a healer dps combo against 4 dps, and watched those 2 slowly down that little group o 4 and walk away with the healer never getting struck once. And yes the classic group up at the center of Warsong gultch wanting kills more than winning it seems.

A game like this needs common sense, almost requires it. If everyone had it, it would be an easier game to play.
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85 Human Rogue
common sense is a lie. Just buy a bot and you be fine.
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100 Undead Warrior
@Zxenoni Oh how id love to pvp with you cause you have the super power people seem to lack. The best of all powers "Common Sense"

When i do pvp, i'm shocked at how long it takes people to get on the healer. Iv even sat back and watched a battle, a 4v2, where it was just a healer dps combo against 4 dps, and watched those 2 slowly down that little group o 4 and walk away with the healer never getting struck once. And yes the classic group up at the center of Warsong gultch wanting kills more than winning it seems.

A game like this needs common sense, almost requires it. If everyone had it, it would be an easier game to play.

Healer? Why would they EVER attack a healer? Why? I mean, we do that in Dungeons... against Mobs... but Players that heal others, no. No no. You are delusional.

*looks to see if he bought it, nope. Damn.*

Though your statement is RATHER true. Had a guy on this server admit to being the mage that was constantly attacking Orgrimmar with only a priest with him. Who do you think all the 85s attacked? Give ya a hint, he wore robes and threw fireball.

While they were doing that, I went after the healer, guess where the mage went. *Points to himself.* After 3 times of the 2-on-1 barrage, OTHERS finally went, "Oh, a healer. KILL IT!"


Yes ladies and gentlemen, let us leave the healer alone to do their job and try to DPS down anyone that they protect. Good call.

I whispered to another on the Org defense to try and kite the mage one way while I punished the priest. Priest was so worried about healing her Mage friend... SHE DIED. I was like, "What the..." My whole plan was to make her choose who to keep up. Clearly she chose him cause he died almost 3 seconds after she did. He was just... too far to get healed from her. *big smile*

Ya know... by the way things are rolling... *scratching his chin*
Edited by Zxenoni on 12/19/2011 10:31 AM PST
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85 Human Rogue
BTW healers out there. this arena season you want partners that can peel! because rogue and warrior healling redcuation is insane. Just saying. me and bro were seeing this when we were doing some arenas. aight archi out laterz!
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