A group of six friends are looking for more people to play "remember when..." with. All levels are welcome and we schedule weekly runs of older content for mounts/rep/and !@#$%ing gear. At the moment we're almost level 5 with g-bank tabs and vent. All levels are welcome :)
<Corrupted> Kicking It Old School!
Yeah! We want anyone who is looking to have fun! We want to go back through for all the content that we are being rushed through when we level and get the great tier gear and mounts!
Of course we want to progress through new content too...we have plenty of 85s and lower lvls to help lvl you up and progress.
Guild for boys and girls lol...and plenty of knowledge....Pst for a good time!
Of course we want to progress through new content too...we have plenty of 85s and lower lvls to help lvl you up and progress.
Guild for boys and girls lol...and plenty of knowledge....Pst for a good time!
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