What is the deal with mining in Twi. High?

100 Human Paladin
I abbreviated Twilight highlands because it would not let me spell the whole thing on the title. Anyway, in the past I noticed while mining in twilight highlands the place sorta "runs dry" meaning that no or very few nodes spawn after you have mined there a lot. Doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes, and sometimes it happens sooner rather than later. Today it happened again but this time I actually left for a bit to do Tol Barad, when I was finished nothing spawned at all except for certain spots in the map, and as I mined more less and less started spawning in those places as well. Is there something I am doing wrong? Also, why don't the mobs in wrym's bend drop any loot?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The zone has a decent rate when you're the only one in the area. From what you're saying it sounds as if there was some competition taking nodes.
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85 Troll Rogue
*grins and sneaks off with ore*

((I only grabbed a few nodes today, but been spending a lot of time there lately. <,<))
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100 Human Paladin
Ha and someone said they don't find traffic in twilight highlands all that much... my !@#!!
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