Looking for a good RP guild. [A]

85 Worgen Mage
Hello everyone. I wanted to take a moment to post my interests in another guild. I have been giving some thought to making my own. But I would need alot more like-minded individuals to help make the guild a reality. I only really mentioned it because this is my last cry for help before I go over the edge and actually try to bring the new guild to fruition.

I'm not really the leadership type, but I love to support and contribute to guild events and activities if there's enough common interest. So here goes my story:

I've been playing WoW since it's first January back in 2006. I used to RP quite often on Twisting Nether server, but the PvP element began to leave a bad taste in my mouth as the years past. For the last 3 years I've never really felt like I belonged somewhere. I had a guild I hooked up with and loved, but the community was stale and recruitment was in serious decline. The guild transferred to Undermine which I became close with, but they were more raid oriented afterwards, and in my yearning to keep the comradery alive I gave up my RP status to go to a PvE server. As time passed, it felt like a slow bleeding wound in my soul as the desire to RP and immerse myself into the world became stronger then my desire to raid and I had heard about SoE and how active the RP was back in 09.

I transferred to SoE only about a month ago to find that it's once active RP was in serious decline. I asked around trade chat for awhile, almost a week, about any good RP/PvE guilds that were around, and I'm in a raiding guild currently in an effort to work on some progression while I keep my eyes open for any promising guilds to arise from the ashes of what was once such a glorious server. Sadly, I have yet to see any guilds that are steadily active.

So there you have it, that's me in a nutshell. I had an idea for a Guild and with that in mind I'll throw it out there before I go.

The idea I had come up with was something quite interesting. "Blue Mist Academy" is a guild that would be formed as a rogue school of all magic, arcane and divine. It would become available to all classes (any scholar would need a formidable sentry at their side.) Events could consist from classes/meetings to field exams and progression in the guild would be based upon your mental/physical prowess and participation in guild courses.)

Lemme know what you guys think. Should I try my hand at this guild? Or will a RP guild come along and welcome me into their ranks? Help me out here.

Thanks for your time in reading this. Any insight or assistance would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
Edited by Synestria on 12/20/2011 10:59 PM PST
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Despite what many may say in trade, "RP is dead" "Try Wyrmrest Accord".. blah blah blah RP is very much alive here. There are a couple of RP guilds that keep up with stories. Though admittedly things may be slow at the moment given the time of year.

Alliance side if you Type /join RPchatter would be a good start to finding the RP'ers than having to deal with Trade chat trolls.

Realm wise there is a community website www.sistersofelune.net organized and kept by Talibah and Tamz, giving access to forum RP twitter IC and OOC lists of guilds, charachter stories and lore chatter and character lore development.

If you don't mind OOC guild chat Crimson Masquerade is a guild that tries to dabble in a bit of everything and is looking for players of all types as well as those wanting to help build our IC story. PS love the idea for an academy and wouldn't mind tieing it in.

Rangers of Alterac is an IC guild to my knowledge mostly military based, as a rangers work is never done and there's always someone in need of help or honor to be proven. Probably need to find Tamz for more on that guild.

Viloche is another GM of an RP guild Underground Covenant, they host a weekly story hour in Darnassus usually gathers a desent crowd.

Many think Clockwerk is out of commission but from what I have heard they are still up and running and do a weekly fishing trip usually on wednesdays.

Shambalae and another who's name escapes me at the moment have formed a new Kal'dorei guild there is more information on soe.net.

If you need any help feel free to give a shout all us RP'ers are more than happy to help especially when it comes to restoring the life we know SoE has.

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85 Worgen Mage
Thank you for your input, Aerissette. I'll be sure to check out the plethora of information contained in your post. I've also managed to get the charter finished for the guild I mentioned. Now it's just a matter of getting the ball rolling so I'm pulling all of my contacts to try and muster something. If the guild shows promise I will definitely need some help about possibly forming an allied guild structure to host events and such. Thank you for all your help! =^.-=
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