[Community Event] The Dark Auctions.

85 Human Warrior
There was once a champion of the Alliance, his name was Gottfried. Due to the rage he bestowed upon learning how petty Stormwind had become, he renounced his loyalty to the Holy Light, and swore to fight in the name of the demons of the Twisting Nether.

Plunder and Pillage he did, for he first began ransacking small Alliance towns. Gradually, Horde settlements, and before long... he turned his attention for his criminal network elsewhere.

Within the dens of brigands, cut-throats, renegades, and all kinds of outlaws. The proclamation was made. The Death Lord Gottfried will auction his bounty for those of the highest bidder. The proclamation was posted all over the neutral towns such as Booty Bay, Ratchet, even to the far reaches of Dalaran where it's disguised as a simple, harmful auction.

The items auctioneed weren't simple old antiques as well. There were whispers of a series of exotic items such as Fel-Infused weapons, and Titan artefacts plundered without consent...

The dwellers of the underworld know, however... To gain access to the auction hall, one must gain favors with the Death Lord. For only those with cold hard cash, and the foolhardy will dare to bid even the simplest of items auctioneed within the Death Lord's coffery.

Do you have what it takes to enter the Dark Auctions?


Event type: Community. Horde and Alliance welcome. (Horde representative needed).

What do you need: TRP2, RP spirits, and that ebil/shady/renegade character of yours you've been saving.

Location: TBA.

Date and Time: (Postponed until further notice. I need to see my contacts first. Sorry, RL's been a burden.)
Edited by Gottfried on 1/29/2012 12:17 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
If you want, I can run it Horde-side with my DK. To get Horde involved. :)
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85 Human Warrior
12/23/2011 05:45 PMPosted by Nemaiin
If you want, I can run it Horde-side with my DK. To get Horde involved. :)

Mhmmm, help is appreciated. This is an event intended for shady characters to take a break from their pursuits of meaning of life and purchase a trinket or two. =o

I'll come contact you, but not now. <_< The decorations I put up yesterday in my home fall apart into pieces.
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85 Human Rogue
The Champoin of the Alliance is still around. =P lol jk ima baddie
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85 Human Warrior
Up and back, still looking for people interested in either joining, participating, or helping.

Both sides welcomed.

Nemaiin, I'll come find you in-game.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Everytime I log in, you isn't there.
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85 Human Warrior
12/28/2011 10:06 PMPosted by Nemaiin
Everytime I log in, you isn't there.

Well, ehrm... You see. I recently had this and that, and then I got into this trouble but I ran into another trouble and uhh...well, y'know...!
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85 Undead Death Knight

I am amused.

Perhaps I will log on my dusty rogue and participate.
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85 Human Warrior

I am amused.

Perhaps I will log on my dusty rogue and participate.

Apologies, I haven't been online much due to RL but I'll add your name to the list.

Also, Nemaiin. I need to know your online times so we can discuss about it. x.X
Edited by Gottfried on 1/1/2012 4:37 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I am online sporadically during the day. Depends on if I have plans that day or not. However, I am MOST likely to be found anywhere from 6pm-12am, server time.
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83 Blood Elf Death Knight
I will mark my evil calendar, and consider participating. However, I cannot promise to behave myself, and I did not see anything about that in the rules.
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85 Human Warrior
01/03/2012 03:50 PMPosted by Lunasari
I will mark my evil calendar, and consider participating. However, I cannot promise to behave myself, and I did not see anything about that in the rules.

Well, one never expects a bunch of shady characters, criminals, and cut throats to behave so you're fine.

Just... if there's a certain limitation? No one shotting the auctioneers :P Thank you, but typical bar fights are allowed.

Tis to be held in a den of hooligans after all!
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85 Human Warrior

Due to currently still being in the sickbed, I'm postponing this event until at least 1 week from the written date.

Those interested in getting involved or participating, please leave an in-game message to my mailbox, or just type your interest here.

Thank you for understanding.
Edited by Gottfried on 1/9/2012 8:50 AM PST
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85 Human Warrior
Thank you for waiting, folks. I've recovered. While I'm not fully well yet but I'm no longer bed-ridden in home.

Nemaiin told me that she no longer plays, so I'm now looking for possible Horde contacts as this event is meant to be server wide.

Thank you for your attention.
Edited by Gottfried on 1/29/2012 12:19 AM PST
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90 Undead Warlock
I'm intrigued. I don't play often, but can usually be found on tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays, as well as every day the darkmoon faire is runnin'. Toss an ingame mail to me, I'll see what I can do.
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85 Human Warrior
01/14/2012 06:24 AMPosted by Malakoji
I'm intrigued. I don't play often, but can usually be found on tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays, as well as every day the darkmoon faire is runnin'. Toss an ingame mail to me, I'll see what I can do.

Ohai brah, and yes. I'll see you around!
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85 Human Warrior

Event will be postponed due to attempting to push this other event due to the importance of it. Please check it out!

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