[A/H] Lunar Festival Lotto

85 Human Warrior
Hello there folks, your resident Chinaman here.

Lunar Festival is coming and 'tis the time of prosperity, joy, abundance of Chinese food and then red pockets.

Yes, you hear me. Red pockets. Not to be confused with the gamers diet (Allthough I'm yet to know what a hot pocket really looks like), but the red pockets are the theme of this lotto.

How do you participate? Simply post here for your participation! A red pocket is a symbol of luck in the Lunar Festival. It is beleived that when one obtains it, they will be lucky for the rest of the year. The pocket does contain items, but it's normally the pocket that people value the most!

Sample of how a red pocket looks like IRL:


To participate? Simply reply to this post! I'll record your name and pick them randomly before the D-Day. Spread the word to your friends and guildmates.

There are over 20 pockets to be won, and the REAL lucky ones might get valuable gems, gold, herbs, or even the "Mysterious Price"!

Sign up for prosperity, and happy Chinese New Year! (Lunar Festival in WoW).

Donk, donka, chian#@!k!~~~
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100 Orc Warrior
I like free stuff.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Sure, I'm game.
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85 Human Warrior
I forgot to mention. The D-Day is on the 30th.

Now I wonder where'd all of you go to? <_<
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Pockets are cool, I'm in :D
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85 Human Warrior
And I thought everyone loves free stuffs.

Honestly, anyone can sign up. It's absolutely free. Everyone will get something, no need to be afraid.
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I am all for a red packet!
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85 Human Warrior
Huzzah, first Alliance!

Spread the word, spread the fortune, spread the joy of the Lunar Festival!

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85 Human Warrior
Two days more to the lotto!

No more takers?!
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90 Orc Warlock
Sounds fun, i am in.
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85 Human Warrior
Last day for putting names in for the Lotto!
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I enjoy free things. Do I have to register twice, for both Horde and Ally? >_> *wants all ur shinies*
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85 Human Warrior
01/29/2012 08:36 PMPosted by Artemaesia
I enjoy free things. Do I have to register twice, for both Horde and Ally? >_> *wants all ur shinies*

No, you're already on Artemaesia so I shall register you as one. <_<

I'm more horrified on why people aren't checking the forums. It's a dang lotto. Chinese New Year. Happy Happy Joy Joy.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hope I'm not too late to put my name in! <(^.^<)<(^.^)>(>^.^)> KIRBY DANCE!
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100 Dwarf Rogue
You may count the Dwarf in. Shinies!
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86 Gnome Warrior
if its still on can count me in
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85 Human Warrior

The lotto has been closed and winners decided.

There are in total of 9 participants, out of the allocated 20 prizes to be won. That's all the top three prizes, two runner-up prizes, and four consolation prizes.

The ballot for the "Mysterious Price" hasn't been selected yet, but no more can register. Only the following nine are eligible for the mysterious prizes.

The rest of the consolation prizes will go to a charity drive where we pass new stuffs to lucky low levels.

First off, congratulations to the winners of the lotto! You're choosen based on random probabilities (wrote your names each on a small note, folded them, and jumble them up in my fedora. Then I ask my brother to pick them out one by one. Complain department goes to him.):

The First Price goes to Wispofisis. Congrats for winning a purple ilvl 378 BoE item!

The Second Price goes to Wulfe. Congrats for winning a purple ilvl 353 BoE item!

The Third Price goes to Kahn. Congrats for winning three rocks of Bold Inferno Rubies!

Runner-Up Prizes (randomly selected amount of herbs, gems, or volatiles):



Consolation Prize. (Witnessing a dancing Gottfried in his 300 Spartan suit):





P.S. Prizes will be handed over in between 5 working days. Congratulations to all the winners! May you all be prosperous ever after.

The "Mysterious Price" will be yanked out of the ballot in 2 days. Each of the mentioned names are eligible for the superduperyuppermegaultraawesome price.

Of course. Only one will get it.
Edited by Gottfried on 1/31/2012 5:27 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
:D First Prize wow! I never win anything! lol
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100 Orc Warrior
oh snap, Rubies!!!

alt-0225 for my á if you need it (copy paste works too)
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100 Dwarf Rogue
Is it wrong that I want the consolation prize as well?
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