Nicknames; How'd You Get Yours?

100 Blood Elf Priest
Everyon calls Talibah, Tali and Omorose Rose Djabenusiri is Siri (her name is tough to pronounce but it is egyptian) Though IRL I have aquired, Tink, Valentine and my grandmother used to call me Kukla which is a greek term of endearment meaning baby doll.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Nyksis = Nyk, Nyks, Nyksy, Nykseh (the troll version of Nyksy, mostly used by her troll family)

Aspellaree= Spelly, Spells, Spellsy, Flames (mostly because of her red hair and her favoritism for the fel fire aspect of magic)

Drustan= Dru, Stan (only by his twin brother Daegus whom Drustan calls Gus when they're trying to aggrivate each other -grin-)

Natasta= Nattie, Nat, Tasta, flower. Natasta got the nick name flower, or petal from her family, mostly her mother because her coloring from her troll father like that of a jungle flower.

Valerias= Vale though some people call him Val, which I'm not too fond of.

Uhhhhh....trying to remember XD Soooo many alts! Most of the nick names are pretty self explainatory, could post a novel for all the alts I have.
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87 Gnome Priest
Hey there, Nyk, Nyk!

I want to see that novel, we could put it on the shelf next to the Cogswaddle Chronicles!
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71 Tauren Paladin
01/30/2012 08:35 AMPosted by Grommet
*Makes a note in her 'Oddities of the Larger Races' journal.*

03/16/2012 12:56 PMPosted by Grommet
I want to see that novel, we could put it on the shelf next to the Cogswaddle Chronicles!

your collection of literary works is fascinating.
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85 Night Elf Druid
*Smiles from her seat near the fire*

Most call me Mira, seems easier to say. Come to think of it I think only my mother and Shan'do have called me Miradollia untill I met my mate that is. And that was usually when I had gotten in some sort of trouble. Though I knew I was in trouble when they pulled out Mira-Anna a mix of Miradollia Annalise.

*Sinks back into a pillow and buddles a toddler in her lap.*
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