Nicknames; How'd You Get Yours?

87 Gnome Priest

*Hops up to the edge of a nearby table. Hands clasped eagerly in front of her, leaning forward to better hear you.*

So, tell me a tale!
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The resident queen of chickens would not stop calling me "Teri"

and now I'm Teri

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Not too sure how I earned the nickname Tamzy. I get called Tamzy a lot and I do not understand the reason behind it! *Falls over. Clearly he needs Gnomish CPR*
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Tamz, It may be the skir... er.. kilt =).

Simple for mine easier to type =).
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87 Gnome Priest
Hi, Teri!
Hey there! Tamzy!

*Hops down, whipping out electrical wires and connector plates.*

Wait a're not that Gnome Fancier, are you?

*Eyes narrowing, Grommet preps Penance and dials up the voltage on the revive-a-tron 1200.*

Let's let the Great Wheel decide.... Stand back, Al, this could get messy.
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*Bear hugs Grommet* Gnooome and do not blame the kilt - Real Men wear kilts.
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85 Human Warrior
Gotty be what I got called.

No clue why.
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100 Orc Warrior
While I may be intelligent, I don't think I really resemble a donkey... Now a horse... wait, shouldn't go there...

If you can't interpret "intelligent donkey", move along.
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87 Gnome Priest
Welcome, Precocious Pony!
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87 Gnome Priest
I thought Got Fried was your nickname!

*Makes a note in her 'Oddities of the Larger Races' journal.*
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
judging by my random groups my nickname is healer.
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86 Gnome Warrior
i go by several... The main i get is mid due to my hunters name midnightssin just made it easier for folks. I also went though a phase where all my toons ended in sin so some simply called me sin, And now it depends on my company for ashort time i made my pally smoulderock my main so i get called smoulder or *cringes* as afew in my guild started calling him.... smores -_-
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87 Gnome Priest
Hello Ms Sm- er, Sellys, I have noticed a similar pattern, things could be worse, I suppose.

Ms Sin, Mr. Smores sounds delicious, not sure what that has to do with rocks, though.
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86 Gnome Warrior
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86 Gnome Warrior
the smores thing was cause this one person in vent was very tired and read smores instead of smoulder
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87 Gnome Priest
My brother and I got stuck in a vent, once. It was embarrassing. I can see how that mistake could happen. I would have found it very difficult to read.
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For some reason, I've been called "Big G", which soon just got shortened to "G".

Not necessarily what I'd consider a fortunate nickname, but hey, you can't choose your own nickname!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
IRL ones or um IG ones here?
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02/21/2012 06:00 PMPosted by Talibah
IRL ones or um IG ones here?

I hope these are in-game that we're referring to, because that's what I posted, haha.
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87 Gnome Priest
((Looking for IC mostly, but anything you wish to share is fair. ))

G, I can certainly attest to the fact that you don't get to choose your own nickname. Especially if you have a brother.

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