New to the RP realm, but I'd really like to explore this aspect of the game! Currently I'm a lvl 84 beast master hunter looking to do a realm change to join the right guild. Would like to join an all troll guild. I have 400 skill in Mining, 387 in Skinning, 277 in Cooking and 484 in First Aid. I'm fairly brushed up on my troll lore having gone through many articles and wiki's preparing myself for this move, but I am always willing to learn more!<br/><br/>Please let me know if there are any troll rp guilds out there recruiting!!
LVL 84 Troll Hunter LF All Troll RP Guild
I'm not entirely sure, but I'm not familiar with any all troll rp guilds here. There is great guilds like Broken House that are very good with Lore and stories from most horde races, I bet they'd have more info! I hope you find what you're looking for and if all else fails? Create the setting you're looking for! I'm sure others here would love a troll themed RP guild!
Greed isn't entirely troll based per say, but, we have quite a bit of troll lore, troll involved story and toons based out of troll areas in game. Bottom line is we're a small guild, but we love us some trolls. Feel free to give us a holler if you see us online or shoot Nyksis an in game mail. Here's the site, it's new but the guild isn't. Hope you find what you're looking for!
And a small bit about us
And a small bit about us
Edited by Nyksis on 3/11/2012 9:42 AM PDT
03/10/2012 10:18 PMPosted by AstelisThere is great guilds like Broken House that are very good with Lore and stories from most horde races, I bet they'd have more info! I hope you find what you're looking for and if all else fails?
Thanks for the plug, Astelis!
The Broken House is not an exclusive troll guild, but we do have a few members that role play trolls. Our guild hosts a storytelling event every Sunday at 7:00 PM server time at the top of Thunder Bluff (in the little theatre-style seating area outside of Baine Bloodhoof's hut). Stop by, if you have time, and meet some of our troll members (and non-troll members).
Even if our guild isn't right for you, at least it's an opportunity to meet some players that RP trolls on Sisters of Elune.
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