The final chapters of Gott's storyline.

85 Human Warrior
So we're now on the verge of rebuilding and stuffs like that and we're also getting a nice batch of newcomers we've made felt welcome.

-sits down and fiddles fingers together-

At the same time, I'm also looking to end Gott's storyline arc in which his current evil self is going to get what he deserves for. Wheter he'd die or survive, that's entirely up to me and how the event went but first, the most important thing are participants.

I finally have all the freetime I needed and I'm looking for interested players from both sides of the faction for participation in said storyline. I won't promise a story in a grand epic scale in the likeness of stabbing Deathwing's backside, but I do promise you that we're all going to have one helluva good time.

The process will be divided into several events, in which I'll relate to it one by one depending on how many participants turned out to be.

Those interested on piling in their evil/jackass/cut throats/bushwackers/gun jobs/ vigilante's/murdering spree/piledrivers/banditos/or any shady characters, please do sign up.

Waiting for you folks. =3

P.S. @ Shade and Kahn. I still owe you guys your prizes from last event. I'm sorry! I'll find you folks. >.<
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
No clue what this is going to entail, but it's cross-faction, so consider Lectril signed up for the ride.
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85 Human Warrior
03/08/2012 12:01 PMPosted by Lectril
No clue what this is going to entail, but it's cross-faction, so consider Lectril signed up for the ride.

Sweet, I'll get back to you. Your helps appreciated.
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85 Dwarf Shaman
If you need a dwarf (and who doesn't need a dwarf?), I'm at your service.

This character is a former Horde faction transfer, and really has not gotten much of a backstory or identity yet. He can be whatever you need him to be. If you need him to be anything at all.

I'm generally online late in the evening.
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85 Human Warrior
03/08/2012 10:17 PMPosted by Farfallen
If you need a dwarf (and who doesn't need a dwarf?), I'm at your service.

Every storyline needs a token dwarf!
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90 Undead Mage
No clue what this is going to entail, but it's cross-faction, so consider Lectril signed up for the ride.

Sweet, I'll get back to you. Your helps appreciated.

The token deader is available as well.
Edited by Jay on 3/9/2012 10:19 AM PST
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10 Undead Priest
03/09/2012 10:19 AMPosted by Jay
The token deader is available as well.


Too late for the token part...
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90 Human Mage
No, Gott, no.

Not because I have no desire to RP on SoE, but because [wait for it...]

It's going to be on peak server hours, for maximum participation. That throws me out already.

Best of luck!
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85 Human Warrior
No, Gott, no.

Not because I have no desire to RP on SoE, but because [wait for it...]

It's going to be on peak server hours, for maximum participation. That throws me out already.

Best of luck!

-beats Aevi- No, you derp. I haven't even decided on the time yet. =.=
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85 Tauren Druid
I don't generally RP. and by that I mean never. Ever. But always up for helping a friend in need of people. Any toon of mine be my warrior, druid or even that dirty alliance mage I have.
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85 Human Warrior
03/12/2012 05:18 PMPosted by Rophy
I don't generally RP. and by that I mean never. Ever. But always up for helping a friend in need of people. Any toon of mine be my warrior, druid or even that dirty alliance mage I have.

Roph! You're more than welcome to join, mang. I'll get in touch with you eh?
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85 Human Warrior
Seems like there's quite enough people for the part, I'll start approaching those interested here one by one and chances are to start something this weekend.

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85 Human Warrior
A little update from my side for those who're wondering where I am.

-points at pile of college assignments next to my laptop-

Yeah, hellooo real life. =.=
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