Outdated Sticky's

100 Blood Elf Priest
Most of out sticky's are outdated. Events and/or times have changed as well as the RPers ad their guilds, is there any way to get new ones started?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
You'll have to create a thread first then send a note over to wowreportedpost@blizzard.com. I recommend using your Battle.net e-mail if you do, they only respond if the e-mail is associated to a WoW account. Answering time is usually a day though given the recent changes I'm not sure if its gone up.

That being said, if you can provide an updated list I'll gladly change the sticky :3
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
If folks don't offer the information, it can't be updated. :)

It's a tall order to ask folks to chase down everyone on server "just in case" something might have changed. I'd think it belongs to the event/guild owner(s) to be responsible about communicating a change. Equally, it would be the same for raid progression threads; if it's not advised, it can't be changed to reflect progression.

Given recent goings on, it's also a bit frivolous and shortsighted to ask Blizzard staff to allocate time to making sure that they cull threads that still can provide use if people take the initiative to communicate.

On that note, is your guild still an RP guild, Tali? I've not heard anything about it as of recent. Then again, I don't visit the unofficial boards where the information that might prove useful here on the Oboards is instead hidden away elsewhere.

I'm sure if you contact the sticky owner(s) about your changes, they'll update accordingly.

All My Best,
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/2/2012 8:39 PM PST
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03/02/2012 08:34 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
It's a tall order to ask folks to chase down everyone on server "just in case" something might have changed. I'd think it belongs to the event/guild owner(s) to be responsible about communicating a change. Equally, it would be the same for raid progression threads; if it's not advised, it can't be changed to reflect progression.

I agree. I have checked my information and updated (or supplied updated information) where necessary. Maybe an all-call here on the boards might be needed.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Many guilds since the sticky that are RP guilds have come and gone. One cannot make people participate in all events etc. We have some of the active RP guilds listed on sistersofelune.net, where Hand and others are active participants.

However, we per Lectril's advice are trying to make information more accessable and user friendly to all RPers both new and old. The idea behind this is to get the most up to date information out there to everyone. It is not easy and getting as many people that still are active in the RP community involved will be greatly appreciated.

This is a link to our forum, the section of guilds is towards the bottom. This is who we have listed so far and I know there are more out there: http://sistersofelune.net/viewforum.php?
Edited by Talibah on 3/3/2012 11:04 AM PST
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03/02/2012 08:34 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
s your guild still an RP guild, Tali?

Yes Hand of the Sun is still a RP guild, always has, always will be.

If we are going to update the sticky threads, we should probably gather at least some of the basic skeletal stuff from them. Like the whole "RP guild sheet" that we fill out. It could also be a little more easy if we just do a full clean and update
Edited by Tãmz on 3/3/2012 10:46 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Priest
From looking at the original list a good portion have left or are no longer viable. Also to make information easier for us RPers since this form is not separated like the unnofficial we may wish to make the list RP Guilds as one thread and Raid/PvP/Non RP guilds as another to eliminate digging through a list to see who RP's and who doesn't

The active RPer list is also sorely outdated, a good group of players listed there are gone and we have numerous new RPers. I have emailed them per Kalico's suggested and at the very least some topic "pruning" may be of help.
Edited by Talibah on 3/3/2012 11:04 AM PST
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Nothing says productive like giving a nice shine and polish to the sticky lists. May make us all feel better to know everything is up to date, like a nice refreshing cold drink on a warm day. Besides, no point in having the guilds that are MIA or inactive posted. Would suck to know this "awesome sounding guild" you think you will look into joining, has been inactive/was disbanded without update.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Perhaps Kalico can just change the original sticky to serve as a bookmark of sorts, and all GMs can make their own entries under the one thread header?

That way everyone is responsible for their own info and the communication is actually put into the hands of those who should follow through on their own guild listings.

It might make us all feel better... "like a nice refreshing cold drink on a warm day," as you so put it, Tamz. :)
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100 Orc Warrior
While I realize this primarily is about RP related stickies, I'm still a bit confused why the only sticky that was current, as in not outdated, and being added to, the progression thread, was removed as a sticky and locked... DS is still current content, and groups are still progressing through normal and heroic modes.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
It could still use pruning of the follks/guild sno longer with us. I was able to fix the events that Kalico said she would graciously sticky.

A lot of these were crosposted from the old o-board that had very old info on them. Normally its easier to wipe things clean and start anew. For example with the events, some are no longer on te same days or hosted by the same people.

The guild stickies are are together...Hand is an RP guild that does some PvE. The you have guilds like Zen that primarily raid and PvP but have a handful of folks that RP. It can get confusing, clarity is important especially with such a small community.

The suggestion was made to list RP guilds and non-RP guilds because it makes it easier to find what you are looking for.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 06:43 PMPosted by Talibah
It could still use pruning of the follks/guild sno longer with us. I was able to fix the events that Kalico said she would graciously sticky.

I'm not a mod, I can't sticky or un-sticky anything.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
In regards to updated events:

03/03/2012 02:22 PMPosted by Kalico
Thanks for the list! I'll go ahead and update the sticky.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The guild stickies are are together...Hand is an RP guild that does some PvE. The you have guilds like Zen that primarily raid and PvP but have a handful of folks that RP. It can get confusing, clarity is important especially with such a small community.

The suggestion was made to list RP guilds and non-RP guilds because it makes it easier to find what you are looking for.

So you'd rather have people list information about one guild that does RP and PvE in two separate threads, making it more cluttered and having two places to update information rather than one main thread where all guilds are listed?

That's not really good moderation nor information formatting. You'd essentially run the risk of one area becoming outdated instead of two, then create two lists wherein there's issues that you seem to be worried over; i.e., info being outdated.
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03/03/2012 08:30 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
So you'd rather have people list information about one guild that does RP and PvE in two separate threads, making it more cluttered and having two places to update information rather than one main thread where all guilds are listed?

It would make doing update work a lot more easy. It keeps the need for update work on a smaller, more organized scale. Also being that this server is a RP server, it would be better to allow the RP guilds to have its own little section. Doing so they can be spotted a little easier by those who are seeking to gain more RP out of the server. Besides two smaller scale updates would be a lot more easy than one big massive update.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 09:23 PMPosted by Tãmz
It would make doing update work a lot more easy. It keeps the need for update work on a smaller, more organized scale. Also being that this server is a RP server, it would be better to allow the RP guilds to have its own little section. Doing so they can be spotted a little easier by those who are seeking to gain more RP out of the server. Besides two smaller scale updates would be a lot more easy than one big massive update.

Actually, it used to be that way on the old boards from what I can recall. It became rather unruly.

It's still information in two separate places and it doesn't help those guilds who fall under more than one section, so to speak.

Furthermore, it seems to be counterproductive to try and illicit RP on the server and then want to separate yourselves from those who participate in other aspects of the game, such as PvE and PvP. You're working against what you say you want if you do that.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Ease of use is more of what is being asked for. If it is separated and X player wants to find a a raiding guild they do not need to dig though all of the listing to find what may suit them. The same would go for a person looking for an RP guild, I doubt they wish to scroll through pages of guilds that are primarily PvE/Raid and PvP to find what will work for them. Agian the mods here cannot separate these forums like sistersofelune.net is set up.

There are no sections for guild listngs, bios and stories.
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03/03/2012 09:34 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
Furthermore, it seems to be counterproductive to try and illicit RP on the server and then want to separate yourselves from those who participate in other aspects of the game, such as PvE and PvP. You're working against what you say you want if you do that.

Unless you RP, then it doesn't really matter. I bet most Non-RP folks think RP means "Raid Progression" and not "Roleplay". Most RP guilds and Non-RP guilds tend to also not work together and separate from one another, (Yes there is exceptions to this, always are) but if we separate the two, it would help the newer Role players to the server spot the RP guilds quicker. The Non-RP'ers will have their section and those interested in that style on SoE, can go there without having to dig through the RP guilds as well.

Speaking as a Role player. If I was new to this server and I wanted to find a RP guild, I really wouldn't want to dig through all the non-RP guilds just to find a RP guild in between all those lines here and there.
Edited by Tãmz on 3/3/2012 9:54 PM PST
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90 Human Mage
03/03/2012 09:48 PMPosted by Tãmz
Furthermore, it seems to be counterproductive to try and illicit RP on the server and then want to separate yourselves from those who participate in other aspects of the game, such as PvE and PvP. You're working against what you say you want if you do that.

Unless you RP, then it doesn't really matter. I bet most Non-RP folks think RP means "Raid Progression" and not "Roleplay". Most RP guilds and Non-RP guilds tend to also not work together and separate from one another, (Yes there is exceptions to this, always are) but if we separate the two, it would help the newer Role players to the server spot the RP guilds quicker. The Non-RP'ers will have their section and those interested in that style on SoE, can go there without having to dig through the RP guilds as well.

Speaking as a Role player. If I was new to this server and I wanted to find a RP guild, I really wouldn't want to dig through all the non-RP guilds just to find a RP guild in between all those lines here and there.

Bella--Isn't it?

Tamz--The overwhelming majority of non-RPers I've met over the years know exactly what RP is, and why they don't participate in it. Whether you like it or not, they're on SoE, and as long as they don't violate the ToS, you're going to have to dig... Although, Raid Progession and some less savory variants I've heard are pretty funny.

The problem is, though, why so few active RP guilds? I'm not going to ask for a history lesson. I've been around long enough to see the ins and outs.
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03/03/2012 10:05 PMPosted by Aeviercy
Tamz--The overwhelming majority of non-RPers I've met over the years know exactly what RP is, and why they don't participate in it. Whether you like it or not, they're on SoE, and as long as they don't violate the ToS, you're going to have to dig... Although, Raid Progession and some less savory variants I've heard are pretty funny.

I may not care for it but I will respect their 15 a month to not do it, as long they respect my 15 a month to partake in it. While maybe a majority of the ones you met do acknowledge that RP on a RP server does mean Roleplay, It doesn't mean every single Non-RP'er does. It could be a majority, it could be less than that, or it could be half and half. Either way, allowing the RP guilds and the Non-RP guilds to have their own sections does still allow folks a cleaner room to move through in their search for whichever they prefer.
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