Outdated Sticky's

100 Blood Elf Priest
Why do the lyrics of "Why Can't We Be Friends" Keep coming to mind at this moment?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Unless you RP, then it doesn't really matter. I bet most Non-RP folks think RP means "Raid Progression" and not "Roleplay". Most RP guilds and Non-RP guilds tend to also not work together and separate from one another, (Yes there is exceptions to this, always are) but if we separate the two, it would help the newer Role players to the server spot the RP guilds quicker. The Non-RP'ers will have their section and those interested in that style on SoE, can go there without having to dig through the RP guilds as well.

Speaking as a Role player. If I was new to this server and I wanted to find a RP guild, I really wouldn't want to dig through all the non-RP guilds just to find a RP guild in between all those lines here and there.

Not knowing what "RP" means? Having to make things elementary for folks new to the server? It seems as if you lack faith in the intelligence of your fellow players, Tamz.

I'm sure that modifications can be made to implement things that lend credence to your suggestions. As long as people task themselves with making sure to notify regarding changes in any and all applicable threads, things will remain current.

This is the trouble with having a lack of communication between certain groups, don't you think? Also, having a separate site that isn't the oBoards doesn't help.

It never did.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 10:13 PMPosted by Talibah
Why do the lyrics of "Why Can't We Be Friends" Keep coming to mind at this moment?

Oh, disagreement doesn't indicate hostility.

I'm just making my own suggestions regarding keeping information updated. :)
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03/03/2012 10:15 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
Not knowing what "RP" means? Having to make things elementary for folks new to the server? It seems as if you lack faith in the intelligence of your fellow players, Tamz.

Your words, not mine. Its not insulting ones intelligence to make things easier to move through. I am not looking to "Dumb things down" for them, I am looking to give them more freedom to move around through the posts to find what they seek easier. If that is insulting to their intelligence, then by god we all have done something one way or another to insult ourselves in life.
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85 Night Elf Druid
This needs to get back on track, be kept positive an constructive. I am tired of the nay sayers and all the BS to be honest. People complain about no RP and the server dying all the argying and negative behavior is why. And ALL of us are guilty of it in one form or another. ENOUGH!

Either be cinstructive and help, or get out of the way and let the folks who are willing to make things better do so. It's go time !@#$ or get off the pot.

Agreed. Some folks like PCs, some like Macs. In the perfect world ... well, it isn't perfect. I suggest using these stickies and oBoards to be the spine of the community. If you have an active group of RP'ers out there on your site, link it in here some shape form or fashion. Don't hide it. Well, unless you want to have your own little group, then I guess it is a moot point then.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This needs to get back on track, be kept positive an constructive. I am tired of the nay sayers and all the BS to be honest. People complain about no RP and the server dying all the argying and negative behavior is why. And ALL of us are guilty of it in one form or another. ENOUGH!

Either be cinstructive and help, or get out of the way and let the folks who are willing to make things better do so. It's go time !@#$ or get off the pot.

Precisely, Talibah.

I'm glad you're on board with people being responsible for keeping their information updated, and your work on getting the list cleaned up for the current events sticky thread was nice. (It must have been easy since two of the guilds were yours. ;) )

In the end, it falls to the people who own the events to actually keep folks updated. I have faith and trust in those here on server to do just that.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I only run one guild, not two. I also despise fighting with word to get the format to work.

For the record I am the GM of Hand of the Sun
The GM of Rangers is Tamz
The GM of Underground Covenant is Viloche not me contraray to popular belief, that guild is his baby and his alone. I am an officer there nothing more and n0othing less.

Also updating that list was not easy, it was hours of my time, but necessary. So please save the assumptions for yourself.
Edited by Talibah on 3/3/2012 10:39 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 10:35 PMPosted by Talibah
I only run one guild. Not two.

My apologies. The guilds of you and your significant other, then. Hand of the Sun is yours, and the Alliance one - Underground Covenant - is his, yes? I know how being married is, though. All one and the same. ;)

Either way, my statement (or the majority thereof) still stands. It's a shining example of what happens when someone takes the initiative to actually post updated information... things get updated.

Who woulda thunk it!? ;P
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100 Blood Elf Priest
You again assume too much. UC is his baby, I do little other than host events and clean the guild bank.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 10:41 PMPosted by Talibah
You again assume too much. UC is his baby, I do little other than host events and clean the guild bank.

That's actually what I meant... and pretty much what I said. >_>

Anywho... since as you say you host the events, you're the perfect one to make the updates, so bravo to you and thank you for doing so. I trust you'll keep them updated and set a shining example for others to do the same. :)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I can update as long as other contribute and cooperate. N0o one can be forced too. I may still be missing some. Since some were posted here, some on the other boards some I learned via whisper etc.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 10:46 PMPosted by Talibah
I can update as long as other contribute and cooperate. N0o one can be forced too. I may still be missing some. Since some were posted here, some on the other boards some I learned via whisper etc.

And again I reiterate the trouble with having an unofficial site.

Perhaps as one of the owners of said site, you can either act as a go-between and keep the post here updated or perhaps simply encourage others to use the official boards?

It would remove the trouble of having information in two places (much like I mentioned regarding trying to split the guilds thread and having guilds that offer more than one thing).

But I agree, though... as long as others keep their information updated here on the boards via the existing threads, there shouldn't be an issue.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/3/2012 10:50 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Two places? People post things in trade and gen and not even on the forums, as well as SOE Facebook page etc.....if my memory serves me right the wordpress could also be considered an unnoficial site and that adds another entity. There is no one stop or single solution and having a centralized RP area easier to sift through the recryitment banter etc. here that drowns put was wpuld be deemed as productive to the RP community.

I am a mod I do not own the site, however unlike some I have not "withdrawn" myself from the RP community and am stil trying to keep it active. You used to post on these sites in the past, perhaps instead of making judgements you can take a gander and then form a full opinion to the matter by getting ALL the information.
Edited by Talibah on 3/3/2012 10:56 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Two places? People post things in trade and gen and not even on the forums, as well as SOE Facebook page etc.....if my memory serves me right the wordpress could also be considered an unnoficial site and that adds another entity. There is no one stop or single solution and having a centralized RP area easier to sift through the recryitment banter etc. here that drowns put was wpuld be deemed as productive to the RP community.

I am a mod I do not own the site, however unlike some I have nor "removed" myself from the RP community and am stil trying to keep it active. You used to post on these sites in the past, perhaps instead of making judgements you can take a gander and then form a full opinion to the matter by getting ALL the information.

The Wordpress site hasn't been used in quite some time, actually. And I don't own that, either. I never did.

I'm still very active in RP. Simply because I don't roleplay with you, Talibah, it doesn't mean I no longer roleplay. So please don't cast aspersions nor attempt to know what I do, when I do it, and where.

I control my participation, balancing it with real life, running a guild, etc.. I suggest it best that people be allowed to do so.

It would be rather poor form to suggest that people participate according to the will and standards of others. That would seem a bit much, trying to set minimums for the entire server and considering them ill-informed, not up to criteria, or "passing judgment" if they disagree and/or don't log the hours some other players do.

But I'm sure that's not what you're getting at.... right?
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/3/2012 11:04 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Oh no of course not, just quoting you. Those were your words in the past and obviously never updated. However i can only go by what infprmation is posted....hmm updated tend to be a good idea than.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:06 PMPosted by Talibah
Oh no of course not, just quoting you. Those were your words in the past and obviously never updated. However i can only go by what infprmation is posted....hmm updated tend to be a good idea than.

I didn't realize you were so concerned with my roleplay activities.


Well... disconcerting realizations aside, I suggest we keep the thread on track.

You wanted information updated and it has been. You've been a shining example of that, and let's hope it does continue. :)
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So RP'ers take care of their section, non-RP'ers take care of theirs. I do not see any wrong in this and I still think that having the two sections will be easier on folks who search for guilds Via SoE O-Boards.
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85 Night Elf Druid
There's a quote about going to bald barbers that comes to mind. But yes, back on topic.

Hats off to the folks working to keep things updated and keeping the folks who want to be informed of RP events. I realized that many folks to work to keep an active role on the RP side of things have jobs, families/etc.

It is akin to being a guild leader or officer, thankless job. So thank you for all your efforts.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:24 PMPosted by Tãmz
So RP'ers take care of their section, non-RP'ers take care of theirs. I do not see any wrong in this and I still think that having the two sections will be easier on folks who search for guilds Via SoE O-Boards.

Looks rather simple: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2140190324

I'd say that people who are in charge of a guild be the ones to make the posts and update the info, same as with event organizers passing along updates themselves.

I'm sure as a GM you don't want someone posting about Rangers saying that there have been changes made, etc., without your authorization, right? It's just one additional step in making sure the right information is put out there by the right people. As long as people are allowed that responsibility and encouraged by others to maintain the information, it shouldn't be an issue.
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