Outdated Sticky's

03/03/2012 11:26 PMPosted by Jaylik
It is akin to being a guild leader or officer, thankless job. So thank you for all your efforts.

Can thank me with a Dinner and a show. Maybe just the dinner....or maybe the show...I don't know. We will cross that bridge when it comes up, unless its out or flooded.

Seriously though, what harm could really be done with cleaning up the sticky posts? Productivity will be shown with the updated sticky post and it would help give a clearer view of everything. Whatever isn't posted can in turn be posted, if a event or guild is not around anymore (and hopefully someone gives a heads) then the server knows it. Its all a matter of effort put in by all of us. Tali is willing to put in a effort, I am willing to put in the effort, and I am sure there are plenty of other folks willing to put in that effort. So why not? Who is going to complain? The small handful of non-active Guilds/Individuals that don't play on this server or the game anymore? Oh wait...they wouldn't be around to complain in the first place.

So lets clean out the sticky post, update them accordingly, and see where things land. Because right now the only landings are the ones that come to earth finding out "So and so" or "Guild so and so" is not around anymore. Little forum posting/update work never killed anyone.
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03/03/2012 11:36 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
I'm sure as a GM you don't want someone posting about Rangers saying that there have been changes made, etc., without your authorization, right? It's just one additional step in making sure the right information is put out there by the right people. As long as people are allowed that responsibility and encouraged by others to maintain the information, it shouldn't be an issue.

This is why we need to update the sticky posts.

This is why we need them cleaned out. Let the active ensure their status on the server is up to date, Those whose status has changed to inactive or disbanded will fall to the way side. If they come back, they can post again, nothing is stopping them from doing so except that the guild or player is no longer active.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:39 PMPosted by Tãmz
Little forum posting/update work never killed anyone.


Check the threads.

They're updated.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
AFter going through the list there are numerous individuals no longer on SoE....it would be far easier to repost the template and ask people to reply again just like with the guilds to fix it. But we are not mods here we can't edit other people's posts or prune them
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:45 PMPosted by Tãmz
This is why we need them cleaned out. Let the active ensure their status on the server is up to date, Those whose status has changed to inactive or disbanded will fall to the way side. If they come back, they can post again, nothing is stopping them from doing so except that the guild or player is no longer active.

So what you're suggesting is removing all Stickies, including Shade's one for RP tips, simply because people "might not" be here now?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Shades is still pertinent, the rest are outdated.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:52 PMPosted by Talibah
Shades is still pertinent, the rest are outdated.

Not really.

You helped keep the events one updated, after all. :D
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:52 PMPosted by Talibah
Shades is still pertinent, the rest are outdated.

They've been updated Tali.
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Thank you for doing the updates Kalico, a few spots are not letting me do a quick click over to their spot on the forum. Just a FYI

Only one or two, not a large amount. You may of fixed this while I was typing this.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Fixed the one link.

You might want to spread the word on your site asking folks to come create a post on the listing.

Bells gave me the idea for this new format and I think it works wonderfully. Sticking to the old format meant that folks were limited to my 50k character limit, which obviously had to be shared with other guilds. Now folks can type as much as they'd like :3
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03/04/2012 12:15 AMPosted by Kalico
You might want to spread the word on your site asking folks to come create a post on the listing.
All done. everything should be up to speed in a bit or so.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/04/2012 12:50 AMPosted by Tãmz
All done. everything should be up to speed in a bit or so.

Thanks for your cooperation, Tamz, as well as bringing up valid points.

I'm glad we came to a solution that can be beneficial to all members of the community.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Fixed the one link.

You might want to spread the word on your site asking folks to come create a post on the listing.

Bells gave me the idea for this new format and I think it works wonderfully. Sticking to the old format meant that folks were limited to my 50k character limit, which obviously had to be shared with other guilds. Now folks can type as much as they'd like :3

That looks AWESOME. Just popping in here to mention that.
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Thanks for your cooperation, Tamz, as well as bringing up valid points.

I'm glad we came to a solution that can be beneficial to all members of the community.

Long as we learn to not sling mud or point fingers, we all can co-work perfectly on this server. No matter the differences, we need to learn to live together on this server. My opinions and thoughts are my own much like anyone, we just got to accept that people differ in those belief's.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/04/2012 01:17 AMPosted by Tãmz
Long as we learn to not sling mud or point fingers, we all can co-work perfectly on this server. No matter the differences, we need to learn to live together on this server. My opinions and thoughts are my own much like anyone, we just got to accept that people differ in those belief's.

Agreed, and I can say I did neither in this case so I'm good.

Here's to the SoE community and every type of player that there is within it; may no one be excluded and may they be limited only by how and what they so choose.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2012 11:45 PMPosted by Tãmz
This is why we need to update the sticky posts.

Since we're in the topic of outdated stickies, you might want to reach out to Muireanne. There's a lot of inactive things in her thread.
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Since we're in the topic of outdated stickies, you might want to reach out to Muireanne. There's a lot of inactive things in her thread.

*Pulls out the mighty Jub stick* Will see what I can manage.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I don;t think she is on the server anymore.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
03/04/2012 01:55 AMPosted by Kalico
This is why we need to update the sticky posts.

Since we're in the topic of outdated stickies, you might want to reach out to Muireanne. There's a lot of inactive things in her thread.

Muireanne packed her bags and headed for more wyrmish pastures.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/04/2012 11:33 AMPosted by Talibah
I don;t think she is on the server anymore.

Exactly. It seems your efforts were directed towards my stickies while completely ignoring the fact that hers is also severely outdated.
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