What in the name of Fel-Corruption...

85 Human Warrior
So while developing a plot, I noticed something which seems to be bugging me out endlessly.

Sure, Gott right now is a fel-corrupted warrior and he's been granted access to summon lesser demons from a nether portal he could summon but several questions remain in my head.

- Would this be counted as god-modding? The fact that humans aren't directly linked to the arcane themselves so one delving into magics of the nether would've to pay a price, yes?

- As far as 'demonic gifts' from the twisting nether goes, to what extent would the fel lords of the twisting nether would grant to a mortal champion?

- As corrupted as a champion could be, is there any hope for redemption or would the only solution be direct purging inside out? Even if he's fully cleansed, would he be able to live normally without feedbacks or side effects?
Edited by Gottfried on 3/16/2012 4:09 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
For your first question Gott, no, I don't believe it's got modding. I've seen people on here that are supposed to be very knowledgeable about the game and even figureheads of our server rp that they're warlocks turned paladins. That aside, are there not human warlocks? Or human mages for that matter? What are they but human's directly linked to fel and arcane? What about Jaina? She's very much steeped in arcane and very much human.

I was never one to believe that just because you rolled a certain class you had to completely stick to the boundaries of it. I think you're well within your right to play that Gott could have gotten himself mixed up in some magics.

Your second question. I think perhaps he might have some of the same powers a warlock would. Possibly not with as much control as a warlock who's trained under a master and studied the arts all their lives. I believe it would be disrespectful to warlocks you do rp that they've been trained for years to learn what they have if you said that Gott suddenly was able to do exactly what they could with just as much control.

For your last question, I believe there should be some lasting effects else why put Gott through this at all if he's not going to be changed in some way? I think a purging of fel energies from someone who's not use to them and hasn't been around them all their lives like a warlock might have, would be something painful to go through. I think even after he's cleansed he might possibly have a craving for it, that nagging addiction the way most spell caters would if they were to be stripped of their powers. I think that might be something very interesting in his personality, to have to prove his strength every day in the face of a past that haunts him, and in the adversity of having an addiction to something most warriors don't. Leaves you lots of room to grow with him, to strengthen him and make him a deeper, more seasoned and well tempered character.

Anyway! That's my two cents. Hope it helps!
Edited by Nyksis on 3/16/2012 8:01 AM PDT
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85 Dwarf Shaman
Since you are posting, I am assuming you are inviting some comments and discussion. Ultimately, it is your character and your story, and if you like the story and it fits within the confines of this world, go for it.

- Would this be counted as god-modding? The fact that humans aren't directly linked to the arcane themselves so one delving into magics of the nether would've to pay a price, yes?

I don't believe this falls under god-modding, but it certainly would require that your RP partners accept this as the reality of your character ("But you are a warrior... warriors cannot summon demons...") While game mechanics do not allow for class changes, it is possible for humans in Azeroth to be warlocks and gain the power to summon demons. That person wasn't born a warlock (he might have been a soldier or a farm hand), but acquired those abilities due to certain events over the course of his life.

Generally, there is an abundance of storylines in this universe that indicates there is a price or a sacrifice that must be made to have the power to summon demons.

- As far as 'demonic gifts' from the twisting nether goes, to what extent would the fel lords of the twisting nether would grant to a mortal champion?

Demons aren't typically the helpful or benevolent kind. Usually, they grant lesser beings power to be able to use them as part of a greater scheme that ultimately benefits them. Lesser beings (humans, orcs, etc.) who are given demonic powers are merely a tool that has been upgraded to do a better job for its master (Don't like your regular screwdriver? Here, try this battery operated one - it runs on double-fel batteries.). The greater the demonic "gift", the bigger the interest or obligation that is owed back to the demon. If the power that has been granted to your character is significant, be prepared to be used as a tool in a very significant - and most likely unpleasant - way.

- As corrupted as a champion could be, is there any hope for redemption or would the only solution be direct purging inside out? Even if he's fully cleansed, would he be able to live normally without feedbacks or side effects?

I believe traditionally - including stories outside of Azeroth - the greater the corruption, the greater the purge must be to be free from it. In some cases, the ultimate sacrifice of one can lift the curse that has been brought on others as well (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luuUE0x7-TY). In the case of Grom Hellscream, he effectively lifted the curse from an entire race of orcs, who now go on living without noticeable side effects (ignoring the green skin for a moment).

My two cents: if your warrior is corrupted and you want him free of this corruption, there is a price to be paid. The greater the corruption you wish to overcome, the more difficult the task should be. However, that price need not be the "ultimate price", and it may not even need to be paid by you. Maybe there is a patsy (a pure, good-hearted innocent person), that you could throw under the bus (who would be willing to sacrifice themself to save you).

There are many ways this can unfold. Have fun with it!
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85 Dwarf Shaman
I think even after he's cleansed he might possibly have a craving for it, that nagging addiction the way most spell caters would if they were to be stripped of their powers. I think that might be something very interesting in his personality, to have to prove his strength every day in the face of a past that haunts him, and in the adversity of having an addiction to something most warriors don't.

Brilliant - almost like a recovering addict who is trying every day not to fall of the wagon. Maybe you can join "Warlocks Anonymous". I believe there is a chapter in Silvermoon.

That's my two cents. Hope it helps!

There you go - that's four cents already for you, Gottfried.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
My thoughts on something like this. IF you did your homeworks and can back yourself up awesome. Thought it is not the type of RP I would recommend running around SW bragging about either.

A while back folks would RP as San'lyn or demons in SMC and runa round tellign everyone then were upset at the reaction.

Just be prepared for those that do accept the RP for the reaction you get. And just as you pay your 15 a month to RP this way others who pay their 15 have the same right not to acknowledge it.

Personally I feel things should fall within game mechanics of your class. Thats just me. GL to you.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I read this thread and chuckle, giving a small shake of my head. It seems regardless of how long I'm here, the same questions pop up repeatedly, never clearly answered.

Gott... you've been around long enough. You've written as much as I and other "old timers" have, if not more. While some of your writings have been airtight as far as lore goes, I'm sure some things would raise brows. It's fine, though. It is what it is.

As for your current RP situation, more than likely you'll have two - if not more - reactions on this sort of thing. There will be one camp who thinks that you can't wiggle an inch from what your button-pushing abilities will grant you, and another other camp who believes it's not as strict a line to toe. Some folks will be in the middle on it, I'm sure. In the end, you and I both know very well that regardless of what you do, you won't be able to please everyone.

So what do I recommend? Write what makes you happy while hurting no one else.

Now, I never claimed the title of figurehead of this server, RP poster child, or Queen of Anything. I don't want such... accolades, as some might think them. In the end, I'm just a chick who pays her $15/mo to come hang out with old friends, release some stress from the workday, and get a little "me" time in while the Significant Other does what S.O.'s do. I'm no lore aficionado, though I love the stories that create Azeroth and like to weave pieces of them into what I write.

Regardless of how we fancy ourselves, we are simply fan fiction writers; all we do is borrow, and we borrow from a team of folks whose leader can't remember every detail himself (i.e., "Hullo, Red Shirt Guy!"). So what kind of expert does that make me? Well, I'm not one. I'm just some person who plays the game... just like everyone else here.

The beauty of fantasy is that it isn't real and can change at any moment and with any whim or dream. The only boundaries are the ones we create, so do what makes you happy, dude. That's why this game exists in the first place. Just remember that no one here owns anyone else.

As long as you're hurting no one, ask for neither permission nor forgiveness. Go do your thing.

Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/17/2012 4:49 AM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Welp, I ask for a few questions then lo and behold answers came right away.

Faith in Sisters of Elune restored.

Tea anyone? -puts on top hat and monocle-
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90 Undead Warlock
- Would this be counted as god-modding? The fact that humans aren't directly linked to the arcane themselves so one delving into magics of the nether would've to pay a price, yes?

- As far as 'demonic gifts' from the twisting nether goes, to what extent would the fel lords of the twisting nether would grant to a mortal champion?

- As corrupted as a champion could be, is there any hope for redemption or would the only solution be direct purging inside out? Even if he's fully cleansed, would he be able to live normally without feedbacks or side effects?

Okay! So I've been thinking about it.

1) No, not god-modding. God modding is -anything- that gives you direct control over -anything- another character does. (What they perceive is a different story- that's what your MyRP is for!). Being super-unique is not god-modding, though it -could- be perceived as mary-sue-ish. But allow me to get to further points...

2) Honestly? Anything you saw in a Burning Crusade dungeon, heroic or raid would be about what they'd give to mortals. Seriously, wasn't that mostly the point of the expansion? Anyhoo, summoning demons, fel fire magics, warlocky abilities like supernatural fear or the ability to teleport or seriously I don't want to go over this repeatedly but honestly you could go anywhere with it.

3) This is Warcraft, where Metzen hinted that there'd even be a chance for Illidan. ILLIDAN. Arthas was stated as being the only reason that the scourge didn't utterly ruin Azeroth as we know it, and that guy was a monster. He woke up every morning and ate two kittens for breakfast, and washed it down with a gallon of liquefied orphans. And if we're expanding it to 'blizzard in general', they redeemed Kerrigan who was (and I quote) "the queen !@#$% of the universe". Who murdered two people in cold blood, one of whom really didn't deserve it. Yeah. There's a possibility for redemption.

I direct you, however, to this Order of the Stick comic.


Redemption is a rare and special thing, after all. It is not for everyone.


Allow me to divert the topic now that questions have been answered (technically by others before me since they were faster on the checking our forums here).

I always thought it was interesting to 'divert' from the typical sources of power for various classes, and am also wondering how much 'multiclassing' is considered acceptable.

For instance, there are defined instances of evil paladins whose devotion, though misguided, allowed them to retain the light-given powers they had. Further, there's a precedent for !!SCIENCE replacing faith in such cases (it is hinted at with the Gnomes, at least), meaning that with applicable study and the right degree of twisted faith, you'd be able to channel the light even while doing some pretty vile things.

In short- could there be Death Knight paladins? Could there be Warlock-Priests, or even Warlock-Druids (I know that Shadow Priests would work well with warlockery in general, but hey, covering all bases)? With Trolls, who are kind of accessing fel energy by tapping into the darkness behind the stars through service to the dark Loa like Bwonsamdi and other misspelled actual voodoo Loa, it would seem that there's lots of room for blending of classes, and I'm almost wondering what degree we're considering it 'acceptable'.

I know at least in BC we had one guy who had all three cloth classes and assumed they were the same toon, and hell even I had Malgor the Warlock and Shadow Priest.

I ask mostly because I'm finally getting a grip on Malakoji's character and personality, and I like the idea of him as a shapeshifter/trickster-archetype with a decidedly dark bent. I keep tons of transformation items in his bags regardless (and can thus appear as all sorts of fun stuff), but I was wondering how annoyed people would get if I have Malakoji the warlock and also Malakoji the Druid. Is it annoying or is it considered generally acceptable?
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