Diablo III and WoW

100 Blood Elf Priest
So been playing the beta and OMFG love the new class but I am wondering when D3 is released how much more of a dip will we see on the server especially with it's release supposedly coming pretty quickly?

I honestly will like having something else to play, but feel the need to keep pushing our server in a positive direction.

Do people feel we will lose players/RP after it's release or will it be about the same?

Thoughts all.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Its only natural to see a decrease in activity when the game is released.

I don't think that means we'll lose those individuals forever, simply that they're just trying out the game everyone's been waiting half a lifetime to see.

Things should go back to normal in a week or two.

Edit: Loose != lose. >>;
Edited by Kalico on 3/12/2012 12:08 AM PDT
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85 Undead Mage
I think I've gotten too old to play an ARP well enough to avoid frustration. I may try it, just for nostalgia's sake, but somehow I doubt that I have the eye-hand coordination to pull it off any more.

Was quite the sad B-Wing pilot when I could no longer pull off a deathless play through.

So I'll be waiting here where RP and global cool-downs make the "turns" long enough for an old codger like me to almost keep up.
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