RP community preliminary meeting

90 Blood Elf Rogue
So I've replied to this thread and showed much interest in the meeting, and I still don't have an invite on the calendar. Either that means the person hosting the meeting isn't reading the thread or I'm not being invited. Either way that's unnerving.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I've also been asking some of the community about this meeting, if they'd even heard of it happening and have gotten invites, and not one single person I've spoken to knows what's going on. Relying on just the forums for this sort of thing seems very limited on getting the word out. People have also been saying that the times aren't good for them even if they had heard about it, which they hadn't. It was strange that my mentions in the public channels just once or twice got responses immediately, and I wonder why that wasn't done before. Also, why wasn't the community asked about what times were good for them...so that perhaps we could set up a few meetings for this instead of just one? I'm still waiting for answers to these questions.
Edited by Nyksis on 3/22/2012 9:16 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This is just a suggestion, to be taken or left where it is born, but...

If order, efficiency, proper comportment, and a record of things is a goal for these meetings - not to mention the possibility of including all RPers from the server and truly wanting to address and fix issues - you could always make discussion threads here on the oBoards and have the "meeting" this way.

The same rules for in-game interaction still apply here, it's "public" record, and it would allow people a chance to think about things before responding and perhaps provide some useful insight. As well, for those who have maxed character slots for one faction, this would give them a chance to "attend" and interact with those from the opposing faction.

While it does have limitations, it would circumvent some of the things folks have mentioned as being reasons to keep things on the down-low.

If this is to be done for the community as a whole, I say put it in the hands of the community. Not that the intent of the OP was ill from the onset, mind you, and my apologies if it came off that way. I rather mean that if we think the worst of people, sometimes we're prevented from seeing their best.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I'm going to have to agree. I don't think any one person should be heading up something like this. This suggestion seems the best so far, the only thing I'd add to it is that we need to advertise in game for an O-board meeting. Hit up every channel you know of and get it out there so that there are no excuses for why someone didn't show up. If you run a private site, post up a notice.

I don't want there to be a mistake, I have no ill will toward the OP myself. I care about what's happening to the server or else I wouldn't pose these questions that I believe are relevant and worth answering. Bella's idea takes the stress off the OP, takes the exclusion out of the equation and makes it all public and fair and makes every concern I've seen thus far about this meeting a moot point.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
THe basic idea was to set up a structure so meetings in the future as well as this one run smoothly. The easiest way to get folks involved is to get the information that its gonna happen out to everyone via ll means possible. That means here, the RP community site, channels and the Facebook page. At that point we have done what we can to try and let everyone who may be interested be involved.

Suggestion as to what can be done, what can be imprioved and what will make things better and keep the negative aspects of future propects minimal.

The community is where it is because every member of it got it there, it will take every member to bring it back up to a good light.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Edited by Astelis on 3/23/2012 4:14 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
While I agree the "meetings" should have structure, if the grip on this is tightened it can do more harm than good. There's a large chance of excluding people or simply intimidating them from participating if it seems that there are those that wish to rule over them rather than work with them. When "committees" and pseudo-governments are created, it feels much like someone is attempting to seize control of things.

While RP in WoW is really just fan-fiction writing in real-time format, people do still view themselves as creators of something. Creators/artists - regardless of the medium - often feel and operate best when given freedom. Having open, safe venues for people to come together to actually address issues provides this.

Agreed that doing this here is not as "rapid fire" as ingame, but holding such discussions here has more positive attributes than negative ones. The best part is that in the end, the ones in charge are truly neutral parties, as those participating do so under Blizzard rules, not player-contrived mandates.

I say let the people of the community prove their intent and worth by keeping things public, open, and inviting for everyone.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/23/2012 1:05 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Essentially, it's like this: If the community is not invited to the pre meeting for the meeting (Still doesn't make a bit of sense to me, but that's a different topic), then it's not a community event. Its an inclusive event. Hooray for cliques!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
There has been a lot of networking going around to try and get the word out to everyone so we can get as many reps as possible avaialable. GM"s and solo RPer's or guild reps were asked to go to the prelim as way to get to the core issues. As a GM myself, I intend via other means to keep my guild invol;ved by explaining to them via other means like chat, yahoo etc. That way they are still included.

When the full meeting is set in motion it will be open to all, but the idea was not to have it look like only a few guilds show. For example say Apples goes and almost all their memeber go, along with other guilds witha lot of members it skews the representation and will not show an accurate depiction. Where if GM's, representatives and non guilded go we get a better idea of the "active RPers" in the community.

I personally have posted on sistersofelune.net and the facebook page as well as others using channels and whispers to get people who may not know this meeting is in the works.

There is no way we will reach everyone without help, and if thats a clique then I'll be damned. The minutes will be posted on these boards and the .net site so people can see them. Other payers here are working hard to try and pass the word and our biggest obstacle has been the negativety.

Gneae, who is still rather new to the community is putting in a lot of effort to do all this. Instead of being praised for their efforts, bickering is occuring. Nothing is perfect and not everyone will be made happy. To make the RP community successful it will mean we -ALL- need to try and work together at least for the meeting.

The idea to host the meeting on these forums would take a very very long time, the idea is to use a vent server. And I reiterate, minutes will be posted so all can see what was discussed, we will need feed back. A suggesstion was made to you Blizz established rules as well, to eep things on an even keel.
Edited by Talibah on 3/25/2012 3:29 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm not knocking Gneae one bit. My apologies if you mistook my meaning, Talibah. It's actually refreshing to see a "newer face" want to become involved and reach out.

I'm simply offering a suggestion, and one that goes with the published intent.

To note, disagreement isn't being negative, nor is it an attack. It's nothing to be taken personally when someone doesn't do things precisely the way you do them. Often, opening up to suggestions is a way to make improvements. I mean... isn't that what this meeting is about? To get suggestions from people in the community on how to improve it?

If we're just going to do things the way a few want to do them, why bother having the meeting at all?

All I'm saying is that instead of creating some pseudo-government to officiate what is an open meeting, truly leave it open. You don't need a committee to publicize something, and you don't need to be in an RP guild to roleplay.

If the true intent is to involve everyone, then let everyone be involved from the start. Call to the community as a whole - not just certain guilds and GMs - to participate. By excluding even one demographic, the community is already divided and the whole publicized point of the meetings is called into question if not set for failure.
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85 Night Elf Druid
First Gneae, thanks for taking the lead on this. It is a good start to getting folks together. I know it can't be easy but good job!

My suggestion is to make this simple. Publish the time to the meeting, make it known any can show up. If folks show up and talk, fantastic! If they chose not to. That is their choice. Simple.

And I believe it wise to have a publish agenda as well, that way harder for the meeting to get derailed by folks who like to ramble.

Also, if folks want to hold a meeting on the oBoards, fantastic! Somebody create one as well. It isn't an either/or scenario here. In fact, the two things might augment each other.

And if this meeting and the thread go well, then do another. Maintenance and another time/place for folks to get involved if they miss the first meeting.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Suggestions have been made for time limits to speakers etc. And if a meeting wants to be done on the O-Boards, feel free.

Gnaea has felt really discouraged by the reactione recieved in this thread. I understand why...people cry out we need to fix the RP on the server. Now soemone again steps up to do so and instead of being commended for it gets a lot of negativity and accusations of it being cliquish.

To include everyone we are all human we can only reach out so many ways. I know people who refuse to use boards or sites all together, we have had to whisper them. SO in that regard hosting a meeting just here would exclude those people.

Not everyone is gonna be happy, regardless of any good intentions. Jay is on the right track. And we have been trying to get a list together of whose interested. So if you wiszh to be involved people like myself, Gnaea and Nyksis as well as Tamz are great folks to let know so we can get an idea who really wants to be "involved".

I forgot To mention Viloche and Aske are also keeping lists to get to Gnaea.
Edited by Talibah on 3/25/2012 4:51 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
03/16/2012 08:07 PMPosted by Gnaea
if you hold interest in attending the preliminary meeting, you can reply to this thread, or contact me in-game via whisper or mail.

Posted to thread, no invite recieved

Translation: Go away Allainn, no one wants you here, no one cares

So much for wanting to make sure people got heard and to help with the planning. But apparently asking a legit question about why invites were required isn't good enough to show interest.
Edited by Allainn on 3/25/2012 6:19 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
03/25/2012 04:46 PMPosted by Talibah
Gnaea has felt really discouraged by the reactione recieved in this thread. I understand why...people cry out we need to fix the RP on the server. Now soemone again steps up to do so and instead of being commended for it gets a lot of negativity and accusations of it being cliquish.

Sorry you felt discouraged Gnaea. I am appreciative that someone wants to help. There are many of us who want to help bring this realm back but unfortunately they are getting stopped at every chance they can. i came to this realm because people were calling for more rp'ers. But the moment I started trying to actually rp, those same people that i came here for started trying to suppress me. They complained i rp'ed with their friends and did everything icly and ocly to shut me out. I didn't know the reason why i was being treated this way by people who supposedly wanted more activity. And when i tried to make things right and say sorry, i just got hit with more accusations and discouragement. Again im sorry but invites, secrets meetings, only allowing certain people to participate in anything...just leads to more problems.
Edited by Allainn on 3/25/2012 6:31 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
@Allainn, we spoke to Gnaea, there was a post supposed to be added that this thread was going to be closed and a new one to be started and will include who wants to go type of thing as a reply to clarify for you. The invites never went out because time fell short.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Alright guys! Check it out. I voiced my concerns on here but instead of continuing with my issues I and a few others went to Gnaea and we had a talk and tossed around ideas.

The plan is as follows. When Gnaea gets a moment to breathe she's gonna put up a post on these forums. The post will be a new, well rounded, more thought out idea for the meeting and how it will be conducted.

That being said, I'd like to say this thread is now obsolete because the plan isn't the same anymore and therefor the arguments aren't. There's a new plan in the works, everyone will be informed, no one will be in the dark, all concerns are being taken into full consideration, rest easy because no one's being excluded. Thanks.
Edited by Nyksis on 3/25/2012 10:28 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Again, my apologies if my words were bent to seem as if I was attacking the OP. As I stated previously, I was making a suggestion in order to accommodate everyone in both factions.

Mind you, I've not been approached at all by Gnaea nor was I advised by the OP that I had committed an offense, but... I'm sure I'll be contacted so we can clear the air if such a thing has actually happened.

That being said, how are you handling things for folks who don't have slot space to make an Alliance toon if they're Horde?
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
There was talk of there being a meeting for both sides, and talk of vent even, I don't know details, but I'm sure Gnaea will have the answers soon enough.
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First lets put feelings aside for just a bit.

Gnaea, please do not get discouraged, it is an up hill battle, but as with all things any thing worth doing takes a little effort.

Now with that said, every thing that has been mentioned thus far has been mentioned before. Including in my attempts in attempting to get the community together. While I did not expect the responses I received, I did not get discourage either. I am still here and still working on ideas to help the community. However, I am starting to see one issue within the community that needs to be resolved. To me it seems that there is a trust and/or clique issue that needs to be resolved before any other idea presented by anyone will work.

As I aid it seems to me. Look it is like this, most of us are grown adults, some are older like well within our 4th decade of living or more, so why are we acting like a bunch of High School teenagers, me included at times? Simply put either start a meeting on the O Boards, have the meeting in game, or sistersofelune.net. In the end start by putting aside grudges and/or hear say and lets move on. If anyone wants to discuss this with me in game, Tali can usually tell you what toon I'm on Horde side, ally is almost always this one.

The fact of the matter comes down to this it is time for doing so lets do this. If you can get past the sarcastic nature (which can be fun at times especially when around others of same nature) I am actually quite easy to get along with. =)
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