Hello Sister of Elune, greetings from Moonguard. I was wondering if the community here could help an old member out by telling me if anyone remembers Kir, he was a guild master and warlock during TBC. Blood elf. One of the plots involved him being controlled or being a demon (Warlock ect) And slaying his child. I remember he had a wife IC. If anyone does if you could tell me the guild he lead I would love you forever! Thank you for your time!
A hunt for an old friend.
I'm just looking for a name, figured I'd ask. I'm not looking to go back to SoE.
Kir? I vaguely remember that name. For some reason I think he ran Crimson Phalanx. Or was that Kyr? Crap, my memory is going.
Regardless, I haven't seen either around.
Regardless, I haven't seen either around.
I remember him as well but never interacted with him....nor do I know any of their alts. Good luck with the search.
I remember Kir! He was cool, think he was around in Burning Crusade. Don't know what happened to him though, he just sort of stopped being around everywhere and vanished, from what I can tell. Sorry dude!
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