Hola SoE long time.

85 Gnome Priest
No see, thinkin about making a server swap back to you guys here soon, only real question is, is anyone lookin for a 3v3 healer, I have a 5's all set if I move but I'd rather do 3's lol. I can usually only play between 8am - 4pm Central for the time being because of life events. Either hit me up here or make a dude on moon guard and throw me a mail, thanks!
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85 Human Rogue
holyjob like I said, I have the 3s set up, and ready to go.
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85 Human Warrior
D'oh, it's the job.

C'mere and help me get my job done.

....Not the 'job', I was really referring to the other kind of 'job'.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Lies, Gott, you were totally talking about "that" kind of job lol ;P
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85 Goblin Warlock
Moon Guard? So the name is a double entendre?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Welcome. First what faction were you thinking of going to? There are a few guild I know on Both horde and alliance that may be good for what you are wanting, if you can give me a better idea of what you are looking for if it's just PvP or more than that like raiding etc.
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