2012 Arena Pass Anyone?

90 Human Rogue
Looking for a Mage and a Paladin for the upcoming Arena Pass season. Perfectly okay if you sort of stink at PvP since 1600 ratings usually make it into the top 1k. Thought I'd try poking around SoE for partners first, before hitting the Arena Pass forum. Drop me a line here, in game, or on the SoE Facebook page. Thanks!
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85 Human Rogue
Why would you want a paladin instead of a priest for RMP?
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90 Human Rogue
'Cause I gots me an idear, Arch. ;)
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85 Gnome Priest
If you payin for it I'd go mage for you.
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90 Human Paladin
im goin to this Arena season, but i has a team already
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90 Human Rogue
04/16/2012 05:17 AMPosted by Holyjob
If you payin for it I'd go mage for you.

Ice, that you? If so, it is a very tempting offer!
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85 Gnome Priest
Yeah its me
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