To the members of Sassy Assassins

24 Orc Rogue
I apologize first for posting on an alt - ran out of time on my main account.

Fairly recently, my holy priest went into normal heroics for the first time. I stated this firs thing in party chat. All 4 other party members, all from the above mentioned guild, were very cool about the whole thing. I believe one of the comments was "hey no problem, we'll jsust go a bit slower than usual".

It was the most amazing and fun run I've been involved with in a long time. The tank even stayed in group with me at the end and gave me some much needed advice.

I just wanted to thank you pubicly and say I appreciate all you did for me, and you've given me hope in PuG's again :)
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85 Human Warlock
Now THAT is what this game should be all about. Helping and having fun. Not bragging and one-upmanship. Its people with miserable real lives that need stroking all the time. All they ever talk about is themselves and have a NEED to be the center of attention. Congrats to you Klinga for experiencing the best part of the game, and i hope you and people like those you spoke of, stay in this game and pass along your attitudes. Happy questing!!!
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
Glad to see they're still around, hadnt seen members of that guild for awhile.
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90 Tauren Druid
For great player's like that in WoW to still be around makes me extremely happy if only all player's were like that this game would be much better i'm quite sure. but alas that is not the case you had a great sight to behold. Don't ever forget it ^.^
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