Perhaps coming to SoE

100 Night Elf Druid
Hiya! I've got a full slate of alliance toons on Undermine, I'm not crazy progression raider, not some crazy pwn-master pvp. This game is my zen, my relaxation. Unfortunately, trade chat is always getting blown up with some of the most vile stuff that really ruins the whole thing for me, let alone the poor new kid on the block that asks a question. From what I've seen of SoE, it seems.... friendlier, less !@#$ genital trade chat, etc. Am I deluded, or is it actually a civil server? I just don't want to dump a gazillion dollars into realm transfers if I just happened to be in Stormwind on an abnormally nice day.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The thing about Stormwind is that there's hardly any bad days! Of the two factions, Alliance is the more inviting on SoE I'll be completely honest. Though on Horde the troll to actually helpful people ratio is one of the best I've seen and I've hopped around quite a few servers taking a look myself. The population isn't booming like it use to (that's not a bad thing imo) but you'll find very helpful, very friendly people to chill with on Alliance that have been around for a while and do our best to promote harmony.

Now don't get me wrong, any server will have that occasional jerk that wants to cause some problems and shine attention on themselves by being "that guy" in trade but they're usually shut down pretty quickly by the rest of the community. That's my honest opinion and I hope it helps in your decision.
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85 Human Warrior
Ma'am, with all due respect and being an eyewitness to at least 20 different trade chats. They're all mostly the same topic recycled over and over.

The good part is that, we're mostly civil but right in mind we also have our low to med population to be considered and not to mention this server contains some of the most down to earth folks that ever existed. Just have to find the right guild for ya.

However, it won't stop from ridiculously redonkulous topics from popping up in Trade Chat. It's just the way Trade Chat is since the first ever instalment of WoW and Chuck Norris jokes in Barrens Chat. Our best bet is to either put trade chat in a different window tab, or completely ignore it by typing /leave 2.

Hope this helps.
Edited by Gottfried on 4/21/2012 10:09 AM PDT
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Hi there!

I have rolled on a few servers, and overall I love Sisters of Elune. Good quality people here. That said, I don't think any server can be fairly judged by its Trade channel conversations. On the "right" day and time, I'm sure SoE trade can hang with the "best" of them.

Since SoE is an RP server, I personally like to /leave trade and /join rpchatter with any new character I make on this server before I do anything else.

If you are considering Sisters of Elune, I would always recommend rolling a new character first before paying any hard earned cash for a server transfer. Once you have a character, I'd like to invite you to check out some of the open RP events:

You can get to know a few players before deciding if this is the place for you. Personally, I really like this server, and like you I play WoW to relax. Sisters of Elune fits the bill beautifully for that.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
I keep trade in a separate window, if I need to see it I can, but that way it doesn't make me lose brain cells.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I keep trade in a separate window, if I need to see it I can, but that way it doesn't make me lose brain cells. To get a better jist of the RP community there is Some guilds are posted there, it depends what you are looking for.
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