In regards to New RP Threads

100 Blood Elf Priest
At this point in the best interest of the community re-sticky Shade's, though I offered to work with her etc. there is only so much one person can do and we all make mistakes. Her work was well thought out and still viable. It can always be indexed and updated to roll along with the community as whole. Though one person did bring it up at the meeting, others I have spoken to who were newer to RP wanted something simpler to get started. I had the best intentions and no ill will was meant, the condensed versions will be on the site.

There were many positive suggestions made and an offer to work together. None of those options seemed to be acceptable. Since she seems to feel that her work is out dated and, I cannot get a clean thread together, perhaps one of our other veterans can come up with something that appeases everyone.

In addition, I am upset about how all this transpired. We are all trying to do the same thing here, help the community. I never wanted to step on toes or makes another persons time and effort appear meaningless, as what she has accomplished was a wealth of information.
Edited by Talibah on 4/24/2012 11:32 AM PDT
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1 Undead Warlock
Now there's a silhouette I've not seen in quite some time.

Good to see you, Rev.

A pleasure to speak with you again as well Madame.

While the majority of your post was dead accurate (pun rather intended), I'd recommend a bit of caution regarding generalizations of those in attendance of community meetings. If not, you're just as guilty of the accusation of speaking for others and making assumptions.

Truthfully my chide and chive are mostly that. I actually expect the young to eat their betters especially in the arena of arts, science and the pursuit of role play. However, having said that; there is a moment in your grandeur where you can hold your withered fist high and laugh while touting the virtues of a wheel that was created years before some newling earnestly brandishes something "new and innovative".

It goes without saying that the way this all went was worthy of a Picard-level facepalm. Hopefully there has been a good lesson learned, as it serves as another example that respect and open communication are key regardless of someone's level of participation in the community or whatever pedigree to which they rabidly cling. We all have to respect the "space" of others, even if we can't stand them. In the end, the right to swing your fist ends where someone else's nose begins (figurative you).

Ah now we are getting down to the elbow grease and brain bits of it all. It boils down to a simple moment of pause and reflection of someone's own public Idaho. Respecting such a place is a rite of passage. Those cubs who come forth seeking greatness should remember a parable such as this, as should the crusty hanger-ons that we all eventually become. Your public Idaho is only as safe as the zip-code in which you reside.

Being quite realistic, we're all just geeky people playing in a fictional sandbox.

Speak for yourself Sin'dorei. Being the crusty everliving undead equivalent of Tony Robbins is a gods damned hard task; piss on such greatness with much caution.

In this polygon-filled world, some of us jot out fan fiction as a way to ignore the ticking clock. That's all it is when you strip away the layers of "LOOK AT ME"isms and guild tags and whatever else we use to feel good: fan fiction and a community of people clustered by happenstance in one place, just trying to do our thing.

I am not sure if that feeling of togetherness you are inspiring is actual togetherness or just an overactive roach parading about my chest cavity. I generously will rate it at around a b+.

More than likely, no one here is going to write the next Great American Novel, and this will all be just as important in fifteen years as a high school letter jacket is to folks in their thirties. Claiming anyone here is more than what they truly are is just ego and silliness (and maybe just a wee bit sad).

Letter jackets always smelled like a cross between plastic lawn furniture and cafeteria milk to me.

My advice to folks? Have fun with all this, but respect the boundaries of others. You may loathe the efforts of another or think you are superior, and that's fine. Just remember, though, that you may be slightly blind to truths.

You are being redundant Sin'dorei. We are going to have to engage in less after school special and more needless violence over tea and stale biscuits, otherwise this love-fest is going to become something too sugary.

Believing your own press is a rather hazardous habit.

Not if you had a subscription to my newsletter. I assure you.. Worth... The... Read...
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100 Worgen Priest
*tilts her head*

My undead friend, it is good to see you again. Should you happen to find your way in-game, please call. I miss our talks about Bauhaus and the Cure.

Caldarion says hello.


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1 Undead Warlock
04/24/2012 11:10 AMPosted by Talibah
In addition, I am upset about how all this transpired. We are all trying to do the same thing here, help the community. I never wanted to step on toes or makes another persons time and effort appear meaningless, as what she has accomplished was a wealth of information.

I am afraid your distress is ill summoned elfling. Role-players are simply overly dramatic. You and your ilk are trying, and despite being dirty elf creatures and former alliance it counts for something.

I think you are a bit on the Spam brand (TM) spammy side of posting and effort, but it is effort regardless. And if there was anything any good community needed direly (besides me) that would be effort.

Consider the resistance a hazing. A well dressed, immaculately manicured, dashing but inapproachable, with flowing ebon locks, yet incredibly comely despite having an eye patch and scar type of hazing.

*tilts her head*

My undead friend, it is good to see you again. Should you happen to find your way in-game, please call. I miss our talks about Bauhaus and the Cure.

Caldarion says hello.



*Arches a bit of flesh that at one time might have resembled an eyebrow.*

I see you two in the back row. Nice hat breather. You put a glass lens in it so you and your living friend could ogle the awesomeness that is my posting acumen.


Give the old boy my warmest regards and you two try not to stink up the place with all your living and such.
Edited by Unclerev on 4/24/2012 4:10 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*tilts her head*

My undead friend, it is good to see you again. Should you happen to find your way in-game, please call. I miss our talks about Bauhaus and the Cure.

Caldarion says hello.




You... seem familiar.


*quirks brow, inclining her head*

My mistake. Was a shadow.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/24/2012 4:53 PM PDT
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85 Human Warlock

Hello Rev.
Edited by Nallaen on 4/24/2012 4:58 PM PDT
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1 Undead Warlock
Unfortunately old friend I am at a loss for words regarding a response to your strange link of Conan slapping arms with Action Jackson. However, rest assured, there will be cigar smoke and thick Austrian accents aplenty when I return home from my part time job telling jokes outside of the Brill Starbucks for tips.
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85 Human Warlock
Take me, Uncle Rev. Take me now.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This path of this thread certainly altered, but I do want to say what a delight it is to see such fresh old faces.

Makes a girl too that's too stubborn to leave remember quite a lot.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Edited by Varran on 4/26/2012 4:16 PM PDT
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