
100 Blood Elf Priest
Viloche, came up with this idea couple years back. Its a great way to feel out your fellow roleplayer and see what is going on with them, if they have plot lines that you may be interested in getting involved with etc.

Essentiallly, they are short synapses of what your character is up to in the present time, and can be updated as you go. For example:

Talibah el'Dendera-Aramorth: Is now raising two children with Clepe Aramorth, Armeaus and Onuris. She has recently found out her father has had his soul reuinnited with a host body and has been brought back. He is also using his use of alchemy to create a form of tainted blood thistle that is bein investigated and has been trying to get other to help get to the bottom of its source. Recently with outside help she has gotten the needed information and is getting ready to organize a way to handle it and the possible vengeance of her father.
Edited by Talibah on 4/24/2012 9:17 AM PDT
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90 Gnome Mage
((I love the soliloquy, poor underutilized dramatic aside ( except, perhaps in the modern musical.)

Gnomeregan Covert Ops, surest way for a Gnome to meet an early cremation. Rusty sprockets! Why'd she go and get mixed up with them? Sevenandahalf worried, Grommet is missing!

Some Cogfather I've turned out to be. Feh!
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