RP Terms, Sites and More

100 Blood Elf Priest
Some quick definitions:

RP – roleplaying. Acting out the part of a character who “lives” in Azeroth, rather than behaving as yourself.

ERP - Stands for erotic roleplay, not all players engage in this activity. However, it doesn't hurt to know what it means. An IC version of cybersex. Keep in mind doing this type of RP is a violation of the Terms of Use per Blizzard.

Char/Toon – abbreviation for character/reference to a character.

IG – in game, playing WoW.

RL – real life, also abbreviated IRL for in real life.

IC – in character. The act of RPing your char.

OOC – out of character. Not RPing your char, acting as your normal self

Metagaming – Using OOC knowledge that you personally have, but your char does not have IC, to take action IC. This is highly frowned upon. For example, if you are meeting a character IG for the first time, you do not know their name until introductions are made, you overhear someone speaking of them, or (like Tamz of Rangers of Alterac) because they are well known on the server. Your char can’t actually see their name floating over their head, nor can you tell what guild they are in unless they are wearing a uniform badge or have things in their TRP or MRP does not mean you know them, take the time to start conversation where introductions can be made.

Godmoding – Sometimes used as a synonym for meta-gaming, but it also means RPing in such a way that your char is invincible or invulnerable to check or attack. This is an extremely bad thing to do, and probably one of the worst mistakes one can make in RP. For example, you are not god-like, with all knowing, all seeing, and all powerful abilities. IF you RP this way, especially during a RP fight, this is how you will be perceived. So if someone "Charges at you with his blade" and you sidestep or avoid each time, it could be considered godmoding. A lot of people use rolls to avoid such. So keep that in mind.

Know Your Lore:
Dramatis Personae

All the above sites are your friend and a good resource, also pool the community, there is RPChatter on Horde and Alliance for RPers to communicate. When in doubt ask if you do not understand another person's RP.

There is also sistersofelune.net for Roleplayers as well to post stories and network.

Add Ons:
TRP2 (has integrated Gryphen Heart Items and other features)
(*This works like MRP and TRP but may not have all the capabilities or share information the way the other two do). Those are just a few add on's that many roleplayers use to connect and identify each other as well as interact.

Add Ons can be found via Curse.com and WowMatrix.com, there are other sites but those two as far as I know are the most used.Basically, don’t act like a jerk and use common sense Again, just use common sense. *grin*
Edited by Talibah on 4/23/2012 11:22 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Its a nice quick guide if folks aren't up to reading the excellent thread Shade created, however you'll want to edit out the last line. Profanity, masked or not, is a no no.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Remove WoWWiki. I don't know the specifics, but I know there was some bad voodoo going on with their ads or the way they ran ads leading to keyloggers or something like that. Whatever it was, it was the reason WoWPedia took off in its place.

I'd also add FlagRSP or whatever and the Cataclysm version. Shade recently did an article on the two of them, but they have features the other two are lacking and the former is a classic addon.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Never had a probelem with WoWWiki. It is a resource though I appreciate your suggestions, I think leaving all tools up is the best way to get info out.

I did request this and the other get stickied so they stay up. Hopefully that will get done.
Edited by Talibah on 4/22/2012 7:55 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Again, this is pretty much exactly the sort of stuff I'd like to see posted in the sticky thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1074377962

It was made for people to read through and also post their own tips and the like.
Edited by Shade on 4/22/2012 9:13 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Never had a probelem with WoWWiki. It is a resource though I appreciate your suggestions, I think leaving all tools up is the best way to get info out.

Regardless of whether or not you never had a problem with WoWWiki, many others have, and I don't see any point in putting other accounts at risk by recommending a site that is updated much less frequently than WoWPedia. In fact, that's close to one of the reasons WoWPedia was created in the first place: WoWWiki favors ads over content. The lack of editors leftover at WoWWiki leave it extremely susceptible to article vandalism as well.

There are reasons Blizzard articles link to WoWPedia and not WoWWiki. There is no reason to use WoWWiki anymore. Instead, there are reasons not to.

Also, I meant that FlagRSP and the Cataclysm version have features that MRP and TRP lack, not the other way around.
Edited by Lectril on 4/22/2012 9:30 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
@Shade yes it was, however many said it was too long. There is no reason to be arguing over this.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
...and nobody thought to ask me about this? The guide's been on the stickies since like, the last iteration of the forums.

I'm not arguing, I'm just saying the info is there for people already. I don't see the point in putting it out there again. I also don't see why nobody came to me about this since I was the original author of the thread in question.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
You were not at the prelim meeting that was posted for how long. I offered because of the meeting.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
#1: I wasn't really interested nor did I have the time in my schedule to attend a meeting to prepare for a meeting that I will likely also be unable to attend.

#2: I would have appreciated someone mentioning this to me as I am in game on a fairly regular, predictable basis, not that anyone would pay attention to that really.

#3: I'm pretty sure that if people spent as much time publicly roleplaying in the open as they do organizing meetings and meetings in preparation for meetings and threads for said meetings to prepare for meetings, we wouldn't have a problem with roleplay being scarce or a need for meetings to begin with.
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Okay folks...lets all calm down here.
No one is trying to steal anyone's thunder here or step on any toes.

At the meeting it was brought up that a shorter version of Shades excellent post would be nice to have for the folks who wanted a more condensed version. Just as Kalico said. The intention is not to be redundant but just to be a quicker read. I think all resources should be mentioned as well because it just makes sense for all RPers (new or old) to have the knowledge of such resources.

Again...this to enhance...not take away. Everything that is posted in the positive spirit is a positive for all and shouldn't be seen as anything less.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I'm just saying, there is no need for redundant information. The thread I created was specifically for people to post tips, short lists of cool stuff, resources, whatever. It was meant to encourage open discussion about roleplay. Obviously it isn't working as intended, so maybe the whole thing should be up and deleted, I don't know. It's your call, because obviously you're all in charge of the roleplay "community" now.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2012 10:45 PMPosted by Viloche
Just as Kalico said. The intention is not to be redundant but just to be a quicker read.

It is redundant, keeping everything in one same place helps folks navigate the forums easier. Granted that's in my never so terribly humble opinion. Ultimately the call is not mine to make :)

@Shade: I'm not sure if you have space on your thread, but perhaps adding an index of sorts can help folks navigate your sticky better? Its an excellent read and it would be a shame to have to shorten it. An index can help folks jump to the area they need help with.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I have the condensed versions posted on the sistersofelune.net site as well.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
04/22/2012 10:51 PMPosted by Kalico
@Shade: I'm not sure if you have space on your thread, but perhaps adding an index of sorts can help folks navigate your sticky better? Its an excellent read and it would be a shame to have to shorten it. An index can help folks jump to the area they need help with.

I think I can shuffle what's there to include an index, but it'll take a little bit of time. I'll see if I can squeeze that in later this week.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2012 11:02 PMPosted by Shade
I think I can shuffle what's there to include an index, but it'll take a little bit of time. I'll see if I can squeeze that in later this week.

No hurry. That's pretty much the only thing I think the sticky lacks.

You might want to post it over at the World's End Tavern, I'm sure the folks there will love it too.
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