Looking For Roleplay In-game Channel

85 Night Elf Druid
Talibah already posted a thread, titled LFRP, I just wanted to elaborate a little bit more. In response to that, I've made a new thread that hopefully gets some more notice.


Not everyone is on the forums, can see who's out and about in the roleplay world, or has addons to help flag yourself for walk-up RP.

To help battle this issue, I've come up with a channel made specifically for finding roleplay while out and about, or inviting others to events.

As an example, say that you're wanting some RP, but your character may or may not want or need to be in a major city or any of the roleplay "hot spots". Perhaps you're out in Booty Bay enjoying the sunset, and you'd like a run-in at the local tavern for a round of drinks and good conversation. You can hit up this channel with a basic idea of what you're looking for and what you have to offer. (Think of it as trade chat for roleplayers!)

Off-duty paladin LF tavern RP in Booty Bay.

Short, simple, and others that see your post might switch characters to one more suited to that locale, and there you have it!

The channel itself is NOT in-character, so there's no need to treat it as such. Some suggestions I have is not to spam out the channel so we don't miss any posts from interested players. We do have RPchatter channels on both sides that I believe are more of a watering hole type thing where you can, as the name implies, chat. Furthermore, this channel should not be used to elicit certain activities from other players, such as ERP, as this is a violation of the terms of use.

The more people we have in this channel, the more opportunities for you to make more RP contacts! I have high hopes for this idea, and encourage those of us who need more contacts to look into it. The channel is named LFRP, so simply /join LFRP to get started. This channel exists on both Horde and Alliance. See you in game!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This was a scathingly brilliant idea of yours, Ashke!

Thank you for bringing forward such a thing at the meeting last night. It's a simple twist on a Blizzard-implemented mechanic, giving folks a chance to connect with each other with ease.

More over, though, thank you for reaching out. This is such an excellent example of "being the change" we all want to see. :D

Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/22/2012 11:51 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I found a great rp from it on an alt last night! So its been tested and it works.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I actually found a new role playing guild member from it! LFRP works for me!
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This thing works great, got some RP out of it =D
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85 Night Elf Druid
Bump! That's awesome that it's getting some use! Hopefully other people will hop in and we can get some more random encounters going!
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85 Human Warrior
Got myself piledriving new people from this~

Keep 'em coming!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Let's pick it up on Horde side people! There's only a select few of us in LFRP and I'm itching to RP with new faces!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I keep forgetting to add my alts to it. I will though as I get in game later.
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