Dear SoE

100 Night Elf Druid
For a long time, there were rumors saying I was leaving, but I never did. I meant to, but never could afford it. But I am here to tel you all now, when I have a job, I am truly am leaving the server on Aqua. Why? Well, I really want to go play on a PvP server! I have way more fun on those servers. I started this game on a PvP server, actually! So, until I get a job, I will be here! Of course, I'm only moving Aqua :] I will still be here on one of my many alts.
I have one more 85 druid, she is a worgen names Wäter, an 85 dreanei shaman, Maìya, my 85 rogue, Naousimi, 85 paladin, Ryxì! I will still be here on those toons, but Aqua is going somewhere where she belongs, which is a PvP server. I may not be a hardcore PvP'er, but I really enjoy world PvP a ton more than what I use to! I would like more of it, which we don't get here that often :[ and going outside of orgrimmar got really boring! Also, I really feel I should go elsewhere, change things up a bit with my main! But again, like I said, won't be until I have a job and can make sure I can afford it! I may not be leaving for like 2 months from now, I'm sure I'll have a job before then, but I want to make sure I can afford it! ^^

I only posted this to just get it out there, my early goodbye to you all I suppose :P
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Wouldn't it just be cheaper to roll a new alt on a pvp server? Or are you particularly attached to this doodad?
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90 Human Mage
It's because her main doodad is an awesome doodad. Sides, wPvP on your main is tons of fun.
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100 Night Elf Druid
04/25/2012 07:57 AMPosted by Sellys
Wouldn't it just be cheaper to roll a new alt on a pvp server? Or are you particularly attached to this doodad?

It's not the saaame.
I have tried.
I love this character too much, and if I'm going to play on a PvP realm, I want it to be on my main! Not some alt I rolled for luls.
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100 Night Elf Druid
An update! I got a job interview and if it goes well I will have a job ^^ yay! But still not going anywhere until I have a bank account and such set up and what not
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85 Dwarf Shaman
I'll pay you to touch my wiener?
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91 Dwarf Paladin
...Or my balls.
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100 Night Elf Druid
o.O Uhh...No XD
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