RP Research Project

65 Night Elf Druid
Hey all,

I just wanted to pop my head in again to thank everyone who participated in my role-playing project for my thesis. Also, in case any of you are interested, I started a blog that will be focused on this research. It's in the very early stages and doesn't look all that aesthetically pleasing, but I thought for those of you who are interested in learning what information I gathered from this research it might be fun to check out. And for those that participated, it might be extra neat as I will be quoting some of you anonymously.

You can check it out here and please feel free to mention other things you would like to see on this blog as I hope to make it an RPG "hub" of sorts: http://bit.ly/HITjdC
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65 Night Elf Druid
New post for The RP Research project is up if anyone is interested! It focuses on the discrepancy in the age range between those that primarily play PnP RPGs versus electronic RPGs. Plus, there is a discussion question! OoOoOo.....

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