The RP Community Warehouse.

I'm guessing you added that question in the edit?

Wasn't there when I first replied to you and I saw no indication on the posts after that you had asked this question.

As far as the answer, I wouldn't know. I haven't been in that channel for a long time now, even if I jumped in game I wouldn't be able to verify if it was still being used since for all I know folks might jump in and chat in it at 5am in the morning.

Alright, it may of been simply missed, Thank you. I will leave it for the time being.
Edited by Tãmz on 4/24/2012 12:28 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This thread has gone way off it's original purpose, to update information that others stated was no longer up to date. Tamz took the initative here to help correct that.

Constructive critisism is just that "constructive", and suggestions are wonderful an outside point of view can sometimes shed a whole new light on something or reveal something not thought of. None of us are perfect and we are human, we make oversights, it happens.

Admitting faults and owning our behavior is constructive, as is actually apologizing when we're wrong or make huge gaffes and egregious errors. Alas, I'm digressing.

We all know something has been amiss in this community for a long, long time. When I began the open call for RP over a year ago it was the same thing then. In my near-year abjuration from participation on a grand scale, you know what changed?


And certainly nothing linking to old things will fix. Perhaps talking about the elephant in the living room is a right step?


...the point of the replies was that there was outdated information and it needed to be corrected.

I'm sure a research of old posts regarding the WordPress initiative as an open, searchable index of material posted here will show precisely what happened to those efforts (since we're all so interested in waxing nostalgic).
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Just to note, if folks are curious about some of the things that were on the old WP site (and buried within posts here), I'll link to a small portion of the things I contributed. They may actually offer some assistance to others. Feel free to add them to whatever list you'd like. The links are working, by the by.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
I recommend this site a lot for roleplayers:

It hasn't been updated for the newr races, but a lot of the do's don't and tips are still applicable.
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85 Night Elf Druid
This thread began as informative and turned into petty squabbling. Take a step back and see what kind of message these actions relay. I would hope that this list board would help encourage people to come and role play on the server, but seeing this type of … misguided energy is sad. And yes, it leaves a sour taste and turn people from the SoE roleplaying scene.

If that is the intent, then stop reading now because the rest is for folks who want to see role play continue on the server. Still with me? Good. Let’s talk about a few things.

I’ve seen new faces join up to the RP side of things and having all the information like this, consolidated in a post, is helpful. Do we not use RSS news feeds and search engines (aka – Google), to find our information? I believe we do. And the newer generations, and possibly the older ones as well, can identify with this and hopefully find something useful in what is written in post like these.

There have been folks who are role play veterans who are not quite sure how to mold to the world of Azeroth. Guides like this help to launch folks into all the lore thus furthering their experience and hopefully the experience of other players on the server.

And for folks who are just now dipping their toes into role play for the first time? Welcome. I hope you find your own voice here and the good times that, I hope, will follow. Use these posts to aid you in refining your own voice, or not, the choice is yours.

For anyone, old(seems like a silly term seeing how the game isn’t even a decade old) or new, take all these as tools. Only tools. If it is useless to you, then discard it. Simple. And not all tools will work for what you situation currently is. It may be better to use a screwdriver instead of a hammer. But, the choice is yours.

So take the information, in whatever form you can digest it, a CMM level 5 document or a post-it note, and go forward and try. And then if others ask for aid, pass on what you know and do it freely. It will come back to you in a good way.

There is always going to be new generations of folks playing this game, and others like it. The older folks will move on, or stay, and the newer ones will come in with their own ideas. Most folks are resistant to change, it happens. But we have to try to truly change. Fighting it really doesn’t help, adapting, does.

Now this next part I will be misquoted, misunderstood, flamed and trolled for but do what you will with it:

When it is said and done, there is only one person who you can control, you. And if you wish for change, truly wish for change, then begin with that person. Otherwise, nothing will change for you.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/24/2012 07:47 PMPosted by Jaylik
When it is said and done, there is only one person who you can control, you. And if you wish for change, truly wish for change, then begin with that person. Otherwise, nothing will change for you.

I actually said the same thing in the meeting the other night.

One word on change, though... it is inevitable.

Growth, however, is optional.

Something to keep in mind.
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