lol. Sure thing once I'm dont with the dueling guide videos.
PvP Videos
Sorry everyone the video of Rogue vs Ret was not out this morning have some techical difficulties, but it should be up around 6 pm server time this afternoon, but if not it will be up tommorow morning 100%. Have a good day everyone!
Wll now i feel stupid... the 100% just failed. Had a power outage so the upload stop half way though 3/6 hours. I'm gonna start the upload again tonight (because it takes 6 hours to upload) so cross your fingers it works =D. Have a good day everyone!
Well this week si just not my week guys =(. The video was removed because the video was too long. So I'm going to edit it today and try again tonight. Sorry everybody for the wait.
It is yup finnaly! =D here is the link------->
Enjoy! and Remember to "like", subscribe, and tell friends! Have a great day everyone!
Enjoy! and Remember to "like", subscribe, and tell friends! Have a great day everyone!
What next guys? Would you like me to take a break from the dueling guides for a bg/world pvp video, or continue with the dueling guides? If you want the dueling guides which class?
I don't swing that way for the first suggestion lol sorry.
and Hot is playing dia 3 atm, so I cant make the fire mage video, but i could prolly do a frost video with me vs nacht. Will that work?
and Hot is playing dia 3 atm, so I cant make the fire mage video, but i could prolly do a frost video with me vs nacht. Will that work?
Well than frost mage it is. Rogue vs Frost Mage will be the next dueling guide everyone! =D, thank you teardrop! <3
Found out Me and my family are going camping this weekend, so I will have to delay the rogue vs. frost mage video till after sunday to start working on it. But I should be able to get down fairly fast because school ends today! =D have a great day everyone!
1 Human Rogue
For those wondering if I will keep making videos, the answear is yes. I did transfer, but the video is in the process is in the process of being made.
Oh hey Teardrop. You should hop in TB more often :D
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