Crimson Masquerade Recruit Flyer

90 Draenei Death Knight
<<Starting to appear here and there are smallish parchments on the billboards and pubs, elegantly decorated with a scribes quill and lavished inks, crimsons rich and eye catching with ebony trim;

"Crimson Masquerade;
The tides come and go but our crew is here to stay. It just happens there is space for a few good hands. Do you have what it takes for a sea faring life? Like the smell of the ocean air as you put your back into your work? How about travel to the expanses of Azeroth while duty flow in your veins?

Honor can be regained, you do not have to be the wimp stuck in the library behind the books. Why not come find yourself if you have the courage and sail with us windward into the graces and help build a new world. It will not be an easy journey, nothing is going to be handed to you, but if you think you have what it takes, give your try at the seas with the Crimson Masquerade.

~The Masquerade is not responsible for lost items, lunches, or limbs. Do your work right and you may just live an extra day.~>>



The Crimson Masquerade was formed by a Death knight and her companions who sought out good times in and away from the cities. Selling off much of her belongings and saving her coin from her services to the king and the Alliance she bought a ship taking on a small crew and named it The Crimson Tear. Finding peace at sea away from royal guards and judging eyes the sea added new freedoms to her in death.

With the persistence of her few companions and crew she has agreed to take on more members to share the opportunities. Forming a Mercenary company known to many as the Crimson Masquerade. Some are not always as they seem, as the ship has been suggested to be home of a pirate, while others say it has been sent from the gods.

It is not the job of the crew and captain to be liked. In fact the captain could care less if she is liked at all by most. Getting her charter's complete is another thing. Determination is set in the sails and brewed in the grog. It takes work and courage to grow and gain rank. Not just anyone is trusted with the captains love, her ship so tread lightly or be thrown over board with a prayer you can swim.



The Crimson Masquerade is an all around guild. Our main focus is to enjoy the game, remembering it is a game. Some enjoy raiding, while others enjoy PvP as well as those who love SoE for the RP. We do not harass others for their interest as a game is meant to be enjoyed and not feel like a job. Our ranks are set up for RP purposes but are open enough for those who would rather enjoy the company and companionship a guild has to offer.

GM's are not here to babysit anyone. Most if not all of us have children of our own and real lives that go along with that. So if you have a habit of constant pouting, begging, and drama stirring we are not the guild for you and wish you the best of luck in your future home wherever that may be. Ranting, cursing, innuendos, jokes, sarcasm, etc are all welcome so long as it is within reasonable moderation, respectful and not belligerent intending to hurt or anger other members. A sense of humor is a must so if your easily butthurt over any of the above, again we wish you luck on your search for a welcoming guild.

Our guild chat is OOC for the comfort of all members for those who RP a channel is available for all IC interactions. How to join this channel is explained in the guild info tab.

Must be level 15+ to join, level 65+ for DK's unless otherwise specified by an officer.
Prefer players 18 and over, but no one is checking ID's. So Mature players as hissy fits are not tolerated.

PST any member online for more.
GM's are Aerissette, Grimun, and Audrik
We may be on our alts so don't be afraid to whisper anyone in the guild for details or questions.

Our website has support forums as well as RP forums

As well as a web radio cast set up for Crimson Masquerade hosted events.
Edited by Aerissette on 5/10/2012 4:55 PM PDT
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90 Worgen Priest
Blah blah blah, grumble grumble grumble, drink drink drink, I got yer crew right here.


Thread bump <3
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump ^.^
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85 Night Elf Druid
*le bump*
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90 Human Warrior
Bumpage. Lets bring back the RP
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90 Draenei Death Knight
*Hip bumps with a wink*
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90 Human Warrior
And I am in the guild....So that is a perk.
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90 Human Warrior
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90 Human Warrior
Bumping again
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Woot we sail in a week for Northrend and set up for the Ball. Also gathering mats for upcoming community events. Bump da bump bump. Still recruiting and looking for active members to help as crew, new positions may soon be available ^.~
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72 Gnome Priest
Northrend? We're heading to Northrend??

How did I miss that small detail? *grumble* Need to pack more grog to stay warm. And coats. Coats would be good...
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90 Draenei Death Knight
bump ~.^
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Had a good time at the Trade market event today.. er yesterday by 22 min hehe. Was nice to see so many RP'ers out and about and participating. Want to give a shout to thank all who came and participated whether you purchased items or sold them. /bow

RP is alive on SoE, don't let anyone tell you different, and if they try it's only a bit of ignorance on their part and that can be fixed. ^.^ Looking forward to more community events! be sure to keep an eye out on the forums and calendars!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump, Happy belated Patch Day all!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day!
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90 Human Rogue
bumping for a friend :D
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Grats guildies on level 13 ^.^
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Hooray to all my guildies hard work, we're 20! *Ponders* we should have a party to celebrate.. if only the war front were not so loud to drown out the music...
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From one pirate to a mercenary who has been called a pirate.

I give you a bump.

Also, stay off my seas. *Waggles cane*.
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