Crimson Masquerade Recruit Flyer

90 Draenei Death Knight
There are a few other RP guilds. To my knowledge Rangers of Alterac (Military) and Time (Order assisting the Bronze Dragon Flight) are heavy based RP guilds. They along with Underground Covenant (Optional RP guild) and the Masquerade are the folks I see around most during RP, oh and Luna Accord and Knights of New Avalon. There are a few others, and some RP'ers sprinkled in with a few of the larger raiding guilds.

It was a pleasure talking with you yesterday (Mallyumpkin is an alt) and while we are not as heavy as the Cats were, we are working towards beefing up our own story line.

I do understand it's best to choose a guild that fits so if you need any help getting in touch with other GM's let me know or poke around in RPchatter to get pointed in the right direction.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
We're almost 22 Woot! On a slightly off note, GM's will be out of town from the 18th for about 2 weeks on. Have one out in the field.. (Thank you Grimmy for your service! three cheers for our Military!) and two of us will be driving cross country in the process of moving. *Shifty eyes* Look out Yall Aeris is driving!

Two officers have been promoted to acting GM's while we are out. Lurana and Kemosabi. If you have any specific questions they should be able to answer most for you. Most of our members have invite rights as well once they've earned the trust of the crew.

Any information Lu or Kemo can not answer can most likely be found on our forums;

My sincere thanks to all of our members and Lurana and Kemosabi fo looking after the ship while Captains out. *Salute & Bow... Stuffs cookies in their pockets*
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Look out the Captain's back ~.^
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90 Human Warrior
Bumping. Hope everyone had a good Birdday
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Grats to all the crew on Guild Level 25!! I'm really proud of yall, you deserve it. And Happy Birthday to Grimmy!
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90 Draenei Death Knight

^.^ Welcome to our Newcomers, and welcome our RP veterans, we have a new home!
Edited by Aerissette on 12/10/2012 12:03 AM PST
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I recognize a few names here, both from past guilds as well as just names I recognize from RPing and walking around! Pokes Grimun, Zanath and Miradollia!
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90 Human Warrior
*Bumps* Because I can

*Looks at Varyen* Hey no poke unless you buy beer first *Lets out a hardy laugh*
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85 Night Elf Warrior
slides a mug of beer across the counter to Grimun!
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Offers a bump, our doors are once again open in hopes of having more focus on RP
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100 Human Paladin
*Throws catnip at* Good to see yer still at it, Aeri.
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90 Human Warrior
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90 Human Warrior
Bumping just cause I can.
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