Hiatus during exams.

85 Human Warrior
Hi folks, Gott here.

Just passing by the info for my guildies and non-guildie friends on WoW. I won't be on for a week or two. It's finals month for my current semester and Le procrastinating me have a lot to catch up with.

Catch you guys on the dark side of the moon.

With lots of smashin' love,

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90 Blood Elf Rogue
LIAR you're totally playing Diablo III aren't you

(well I am or will be in...one hour! XD)
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85 Human Warrior
LIAR you're totally playing Diablo III aren't you

(well I am or will be in...one hour! XD)

Shade, as much as I wanna play Diablo III....

I have no cash.

So yeah.

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90 Gnome Mage
Best of luck to you,

Ad astra per ardua!
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