Question on RPing Another Person's Character

100 Blood Elf Priest
If a character is on your account and is the daughter that was adopted by a pair of people that no longer RP's together would it be godmoding for the other player to RP the child that they adopted without the other person's consent as the character is on the account?

I only ask because I am facing that situation with my mage and the person she was married too...however the daughter they adopted is on my account, I intended to play the character. I rarely speak to the other player have stated I do not wish to be contacted by them though still receive the occasional email though they stated they were leaving the server and are on ignore IG.

I normally do not respond to emails, but did tell the player no because the daughter ICly is with my character at the moment and the other reason is the daughter is on my account, though I did not email that back.
Edited by Talibah on 5/29/2012 8:38 AM PDT
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Reading this, it sounds almost like a child custody battle.

It seems pretty clear-cut from my outside perspective: the character is on your account, so you own her, pay for her slot, and control her actions within the world. On top of that, the other player is on ignore.

Practically speaking, the other player cannot control the actions of the adopted daughter character, and whatever they try, you won't see it in game due to the ignore feature. If anyone wanted to godmod this character of yours, there really isn't a lot they can do.

If you want to play the adopted daughter, go forth and have fun with it.

If the other player is desperate to have a child character to roleplay, they can create a new character on their own account.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Thank you for the feedback. I was curious as to how others weigh in on these situations if they no longer RP with another player and want no contact with them.
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86 Night Elf Priest
I'm actually in a situation like this, although it isn't with a child, it's with a toon that use to belong to another person and they allowed me to rp them and roll them.

I have a warrior that was best friends with the other person's character in their backstory and they wanted to be able to interact with them so they let me roll them and control them so that they weren't playing with themselves. They left however, and I have the warrior on my account and you know what? I've continued to rp him and I never ran into any grief because of it. It's on my account, he's my toon, I was the one who played him and fleshed him out and leveled him and farmed rp gear for him so in all accounts he's mine and he's gonna stay mine. You should do the same.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Bottom Line: Your character, your subscription fee. Just because someone quit doesn't mean you have to quit playing the child character.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
I vote to keep playing the character.

A; as they said above it's on your account point blank.

B; they are leaving? If so then I'd say your free to bend the story as you see fit. Unfortunately had to do that when my Druids mate went poof leaving her with an adopted son and new born daughter. and

C; even if they don't leave server and you have little interaction and they want the child to be in their story line, they are more than welcome to make a similar version on their own account. I doubt it would conflict much to say the child is visiting one or the other when the characters are in separate parts and generally avoiding the other.
Edited by Aerissette on 5/29/2012 11:39 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Priest
Keep playing the character. I've actually had something close to this happen to my druid twice. First issue, moved on, the 2nd time, the other person pulled the "Well hey, Sisters of Elune has no rp, this guild is dead...Sorry rerolling on a different server...See ya."

I nicely asked the person what he wanted me to do with my druid, due to his character is her hubby, and she's currently 3-4 months along.

"Do what ya think ya wanna do..." <- His response...

So yeah, keep rping the child, if the other person doesn't like it...Not your problem. Your account, your money, your time put into possibly leveling it.

As for me...I dunno wtf I am going to do with my druid, honestly. But, eh oh well.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I ran into that with my hunter and I just moved the RP along. I was told do what you want, the other party didn't want to work on an amicle end to the RP so I did just that, now she managed to find a druid that is more stable and she is much happier and they are raising twins together.
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