The Midsummer's Masque

100 Blood Elf Priest
Hand of the Sun will be hosting a Masquerade at the Darkmoon Faire are at 7PM server on July 1st. We'd love help with prizes, etc. I am creting an invite list for food and drink to create a raid for it, please contact me if you are interesting in going/helping.

This event is open to the server.
Edited by Talibah on 5/23/2012 8:31 PM PDT
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90 Draenei Death Knight
As far as I know at the moment I should be free and can lend a hand with Crimson Masquerade. If travel plans come up can least help with supplies. personally have maxed, enchanter, engineer, alchemist, and inscriptionist with a bunch of mats in the bank and don't mind farming what we don't.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Sounds good, thank you for offering the help.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Going to throw this on the calendar for Knights of the New Dawn members. I mentioned it in gchat the other day and the people that were on at the time seemed interested. Let me know if there's anything I can do!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Thanks Tons! I am posting another updated invite on Please bring your costumes we will have a prize for the best one. I will need thre volunteers to be judges and still need help with food and donations.
Edited by Talibah on 6/19/2012 5:31 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Shaman
Thanks Tali now I have to find a costume large enough for a crazy cow =)

On the prize issue I'll think of something.... maybe.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
I just got the all clear that we're not traveling so i'll be able to make it. I don't have any good cooks but can buy cakes and boose :3 if you need any help with Ally prizes let me know and I'll see what I can stir up. I'm always in RPchatter when I'm on, so if I'm on an alt just give a shout there to find me.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
We have some events lined up for this one:

-Lore Trivia
-Costume contest
-Fortune readings
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Some last minute info:

Prize for the costume contest will be 5k gold, if there is a tie I'll split it. We are giving ebon steel belt buckles out for trivia. The amazing Zul'Kir will be doing bone/fortune readings.

The costume contest will be judged by silent vote...the rules will be explained at the event. You can fine me in the RPchatter channel if you have ?'s.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Thanks to everyone that went. I am grateful for your support.
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