Tortured Fate is Recruiting

100 Troll Druid
Just an update, we do have a second group going (3/8 Heroic), are open to any new members, even those not committed to raiding.

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M

Grats on 7/8 H! Hope you guys can get that madness kill soon :D!
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100 Blood Elf Mage
/plucks a Zultani feather
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90 Undead Warlock
An excellent group of people. Run with some of you in the past, and I've never hated you, that's a plus.

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90 Troll Rogue
Grats on H DS 8/8 guys.
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100 Orc Warrior
08/05/2012 08:29 PMPosted by Arialna
Grats on H DS 8/8 guys.

Thanks. I kid you not, he dropped 2 Blade of the Unmaker
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90 Goblin Hunter
Thanks Arialna! I've been amazed at the outpouring of cheering on you guys gave us during the home stretch. It shows my team keeps our casual, pleasant atmosphere when non-guildees are involved as well. Glad to see I don't raid with a bunch of a-holes. Well, except for that Kahn guy.

It was a hard battle, but I'm glad we gave it one more try before calling it a night. Thrall had butterfingers on our second to last pull and dropped Kahn AND Amura on the fourth platform >_<. We gave it one more go, and killed him with literally seconds to spare.

Deathwing got the last laugh though. Seriously. Two effing rogue daggers? Screw you Deathwing, screw you...
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85 Troll Druid
They said the 10 warrior comp wouldn't work.
Kahn & Co. proved em wrong.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Thank you for the congratulations everyone. ^^

What an excellent raid team and guild. You can definitely feel that we are becoming better at working together and coordinating the things we need to do to successfully get kills. After everything that this group has been through, I am very excited and proud to see us still going strong. I know that for many of us, this is the first time that we've been able to clear current content.

I would just like to say that our success is not solely from our core members, either. We have had a lot of people helping us along the way. A special thanks to those that were not able to be there last night and all of our friends that have jumped in as fill-ins in the past. Thank you to all of the leadership of Tortured Fate that has kept this thing going, too. You guys are amazing.

I'm excited to see what Tortured Fate accomplishes next and in the future! Cheers to all.
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85 Goblin Shaman
08/05/2012 08:29 PMPosted by Arialna
Grats on H DS 8/8 guys.

Thanks Arialna and thanks to all of Apples for the support ^^

Amazing job last night guys, it's still a great feeling killing off Heroic Madness like that, save the two rogue daggers that dropped >.> and that kahn fellow <.<
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90 Troll Druid
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90 Troll Rogue
Grats on H DS 8/8 guys.

Thanks. I kid you not, he dropped 2 Blade of the Unmaker

I know is suck, but is kinda funny, think about it.

The one attempt before, when Kahn AND Amura dropped from the platform
-Thrall: "oops my bad guy that was my fault, my cat jumped on my keyboard
-Guild: ok guys one more attempt?, ok here we go.

=Deathwing on his last breath: oh really?. Well victory is your, but the last laugh will be mine, enjoy Blade of the Unmaker X2 Muahahaha
Edited by Arialna on 8/6/2012 10:08 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
In retrospect, having the heroic kill sure beats a hypothetical glitch that'd give you heroic loot on a normal kill.

That, and I rolled a 99 for the mount :D
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
In retrospect, having the heroic kill sure beats a hypothetical glitch that'd give you heroic loot on a normal kill.

That, and I rolled a 99 for the mount :D


well except there are better ones than those

that you get

um....months before you actually kill heroic DW

...ok, screw you DW. But grats on the kill guys, knew you could do it!
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100 Troll Druid
/plucks a Zultani feather

lol :D.

Also Gratz on the 8/8 H! I run BGs with some of the members of this guild quite a bit, and they are a fun group of people.

Grats on 8/8 H. Keep it up!
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85 Tauren Shaman
Congrats you guys.

Job well done. :-)
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34 Goblin Warrior
Yo, Tortured Fate! I heard your main tank is so awesome that an orc couldn't contain it all, so they cloned him.

Someone help me... do I really need 6 tanks? 7 once I can roll a monk....
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