Tortured Fate is Recruiting

90 Blood Elf Priest
Hello there. The guild "Tortured Fate" is actively recruiting for our 6/8H ten man Dragon Soul team. We are currently a rather small and close-knit guild that has a casual feel, but takes its raiding seriously. We raid on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 7pm to 10pm server time.

What we're looking for:

-Ranged DPS - We would prefer either someone with bloodlust (A mage or shaman) and/or someone that has an alternate healing spec. A boomkin, shadowpriest or elemental shaman would be welcomed.

-Reliable alternate raiders- In addition to our core group recruitment, we would really like to find some members that would be willing to raid on an alternate basis. With summer coming up, things do happen where one of our core members cannot be present for raid night. Alternate raiders actually get to raid fairly often and still get to roll on loot.

We also have some activities planned in the future for running older content, an extra night for raiding Dragon Soul normal with alts and many members (including myself) that are regularly involved in PvP activities. If you want more information about the guild as a whole or would like to apply online, please visit our website at You can also speak with myself, Káhn or Ranzer anytime while in game. Thank you!
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100 Orc Warrior
05/27/2012 05:40 PMPosted by Amura
Hello there. The guild "Tortured Fate" is actively recruiting for our 6/8H ten man Dragon Soul team.

We wiped on Diablo 3 release.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
We are a level 25 guild and it's a good group of people. Raiding is fun, we do pretty well and try to take it just seriously enough without going crazy. We also have plenty of room for non-raiders and have several members who enjoy doing achievements and old content runs.

I'm not an officer, but if you have questions or want help finding one, feel free to contact me in game.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
For the love of god if you're a ranged dps apply. You too can get groped by a creepy frog tabard.
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100 Orc Warrior
6/8 Heroic Dragon Soul guild LF ranged dps and healers for regular spots. Any ranged or healing class will be considered.

Contact myself, Amura, or Ranzer. Feel free to inquire about Tortured Fate from anyone you see on with /who Tortured Fate.

Or apply at:

edit: 10 man raids
Edited by Káhn on 6/10/2012 11:37 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Where them healers at and such.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
06/10/2012 06:32 PMPosted by Káhn
6/8 Heroic Dragon Soul guild LF ranged dps and healers for regular spots.


(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Consider this a bump in your favor!)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I ahve had the pleasure of talking to a few of your memeber OOC and have been impressed by their courtesy as well as their friendliness and helpfulness. Good Luck getting more quality folks.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Lovely peoples who may carry me to greatness anyday they like. <3
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100 Orc Warrior
Just an update, we do have a second group going (3/8 Heroic), are open to any new members, even those not committed to raiding.

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M
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90 Troll Druid

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M

Nice work, been rooting for you guys to get it.
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100 Orc Warrior

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M

Nice work, been rooting for you guys to get it.

I finally found a fight that lets me see what it was like for tankadins in BC... my poor shield.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Just an update, we do have a second group going (3/8 Heroic), are open to any new members, even those not committed to raiding.

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M

Grats guys! That fight is a BEAST.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Yay for spine stabbing!
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85 Human Warrior
Kahn! I still owe you three rubies since.....

Err... February...

What time do you usually log in? <_<
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100 Orc Warrior
LOL I completely forgot about those. I'm usually around in the evenings, around 7 server. /who my guild, I might be on an alt.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
07/30/2012 06:13 AMPosted by Káhn
/who my guild, I might be on an alt.

I tried this and got 0 results :P
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100 Orc Warrior
21:00 then.... silly imp and your assuming I'm awake at 7am and not unloading trucks.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

Oh, and we're 7/8 H DS 10M

Good stuff, grats!
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