Title says it all, just curious about some feedback, overall community, H:A ratio. How's the Rp community, how's the PVE community, etc etc..
Thinking of xferring here.
The population is fairly moderate, we don't boast booming numbers. A lot of us have called this server home for many years, we were pretty big at one point and we're growing to be that big again. There's quite a bit of new blood, the rp community is pretty small, we all hold various rp events regularly, the guilds are growing. What I've noticed is that instead of having many guilds that are rp only or rp heavy there's just a few and the other pve/raid guilds have rpers sprinkled in.
Most of the pve guilds are very helpful to those who aren't in the bigger raid guilds, in example, rpers who wanna see content, like DS and such. Overall you'll find people here are friendly for the most part, eager to help. I can't really tell you what faction has more people, I play both sides and I haven't really seen evidence of more population on one side over the other.
I hope what I've observed has helped. Welcome to the SoE forums! Hopefully we'll be welcoming you to SoE itself soon!
Most of the pve guilds are very helpful to those who aren't in the bigger raid guilds, in example, rpers who wanna see content, like DS and such. Overall you'll find people here are friendly for the most part, eager to help. I can't really tell you what faction has more people, I play both sides and I haven't really seen evidence of more population on one side over the other.
I hope what I've observed has helped. Welcome to the SoE forums! Hopefully we'll be welcoming you to SoE itself soon!
It's a server. It's much like any other server. The Horde to alliance ration is fairly even, but the horde has more PvE progression. But that's not terribly relevant since neither faction is particularly progressed.
Pugs are almost unheard, likely due to your average trade pugger being incapable of handling the stack/spreadout mechanics of BH, nevermind the mechanics of normal DS or being able to out dps a tank or heal someone other than the tank.
There are a couple of semi competent guilds but if you're not in one you're in trouble.
I don't really pvp or rp so I can't help you there.
Pugs are almost unheard, likely due to your average trade pugger being incapable of handling the stack/spreadout mechanics of BH, nevermind the mechanics of normal DS or being able to out dps a tank or heal someone other than the tank.
There are a couple of semi competent guilds but if you're not in one you're in trouble.
I don't really pvp or rp so I can't help you there.
I'm sorry but you're incorrect about pugs being unheard of, perhaps that's been your personal experience but it's not the truth cross server. Both sides are pretty progressed, there are several horde side pve guilds I know of that have already finished all relevant content. Perhaps what you should do is look at the bigger picture and not your own personal one?
As far as RP goes, it's doing a lot better that I've seen as of late than it has. Not quite where it was when I came, and not quite WrA but nice. There are regular events, and as posted above, there are a lot of people here that have been for years. It's where a lot have transfered to escape drama or look for a fresh start and found a place to call home. I was one who came to the server almost three years ago. And any other server may get me by for a couple weeks, but I always find myself returning.
Day or so ago we had a realm first spam for a guild getting H DS. I'm not much of a raider anymore but I know there are others here that seem to be doing well. Most guilds from what I've heard through g*!*#vines have core groups and when a spot opens it fills quickly. I have seen many pugs in trade, from the few I've joined here and there have done well. And to toss out here, our RP'ers even have a raid and pve group going known as The Western Alliance.
If you're not in a super hurry I'd say roll an alt or two here hang out in the cities, talk to a few GM's and be picky. It's not always an easy decission to move and if you do then you want to feel worth while in a place/guild with folks who fit your style as well as you there's. Last thing I have to offer as far as the realm goes and stems back to the RP if you want to see a bit more information about it, or find an RP guild check out sistersofelune.net . A couple of the veteran RP'ers/players on SoE keep it up to date with events, character story line help, OOC banter and debates, and the like.
Hope you enjoy your time on our server or forums and hope you grow to love it as much as we do if you decide to stay.
P.S. As with many servers we have trolls, no not just the ones from the isles but the ones that tend to fill up ignore lists quick. Don't be discouraged by their racey comments and stupidity, there are a lot of decent folks here and a wonderful time to be had if its the place for you.
Day or so ago we had a realm first spam for a guild getting H DS. I'm not much of a raider anymore but I know there are others here that seem to be doing well. Most guilds from what I've heard through g*!*#vines have core groups and when a spot opens it fills quickly. I have seen many pugs in trade, from the few I've joined here and there have done well. And to toss out here, our RP'ers even have a raid and pve group going known as The Western Alliance.
If you're not in a super hurry I'd say roll an alt or two here hang out in the cities, talk to a few GM's and be picky. It's not always an easy decission to move and if you do then you want to feel worth while in a place/guild with folks who fit your style as well as you there's. Last thing I have to offer as far as the realm goes and stems back to the RP if you want to see a bit more information about it, or find an RP guild check out sistersofelune.net . A couple of the veteran RP'ers/players on SoE keep it up to date with events, character story line help, OOC banter and debates, and the like.
Hope you enjoy your time on our server or forums and hope you grow to love it as much as we do if you decide to stay.
P.S. As with many servers we have trolls, no not just the ones from the isles but the ones that tend to fill up ignore lists quick. Don't be discouraged by their racey comments and stupidity, there are a lot of decent folks here and a wonderful time to be had if its the place for you.
05/22/2012 04:48 PMPosted by NyksisBoth sides are pretty progressed, there are several horde side pve guilds I know of that have already finished all relevant content. Perhaps what you should do is look at the bigger picture and not your own personal one?
Perhaps you should take your blindfold off and look at the world around you inside of just seeing a whole lotta black? Seriously, "several horde guilds"? We have "1" and they just did it this past week.
We're ranked 232nd out of 246 US/oceanic guilds. We are a tiny backwater in terms of progression.
Apples just downed Heroic Madness, two horde guilds are 6/8 but neither of them can consistently down what they've killed in previous weeks to guarantee them progression raid time, the best alliance guilds are 5/8 and we only have 15 guilds who have done more than heroic morchok (which is likely easier than normal madness).
SOE is a pretty laid back quiet place. If you want lots of pugs and a high population this isn't the place for you. The horde used to enjoy a distinct pvp participation advantage but in my estimation the two sides are as close than they have ever been. Most of the stable raid teams are pretty set but right now would be the best time to try to get into one; due to the extreme slowdown (ie. summer, end of expansion etc.) I have always liked it here; then again I dont have a lot to compare to. Hope this was helpful.
Then perhaps Sellys you should find what you would determine to be greener pastures instead of dragging everyone down? Never once did I say anything to you that was negative, and I think you're providing a poor example with the attitude you're displaying as to what SoE can truly offer.
Aeriss I'm actually kinda glad we aren't quite WrA in my opinion XD. I think as far as rp goes we're more quality that drowning in quantity.
Aeriss I'm actually kinda glad we aren't quite WrA in my opinion XD. I think as far as rp goes we're more quality that drowning in quantity.
Edited by Nyksis on 5/23/2012 11:05 AM PDT
@ Nyksis I would agree.
If you're looking for a place to hang out and do things casually, this might be a good place. I stopped raiding a long time ago, so I can't tell you much, though the impression I get is that overall progression is a bit sluggish as compared to past expansions. As for RP, casual observation indicates you have to look for it, but as with raiding, this is something I haven't participated in for quite some time.
In short, my opinion is that its a good place to roll an alt, but I wouldn't spend the money to come here.
In short, my opinion is that its a good place to roll an alt, but I wouldn't spend the money to come here.
I have been on this server for a while now and the RP is slowly coming back. If you want to ask around there are channels on horde and alli: RPChatter and LFRP.
There is also the unofficial RP Community site for our server: SistersofElune.net
The server like most have stated is relaxed and laid back and what we lack for in numbers tends to be made up for in quality. Personally I'd rather have quality over quantity. So honestly it just depends what you are looking for?
If you have more questions as you can see many people will answer them. I would also suggest making a character and poking about some.
There is also the unofficial RP Community site for our server: SistersofElune.net
The server like most have stated is relaxed and laid back and what we lack for in numbers tends to be made up for in quality. Personally I'd rather have quality over quantity. So honestly it just depends what you are looking for?
If you have more questions as you can see many people will answer them. I would also suggest making a character and poking about some.
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