Oh no! non pvp'ers are pvp'ing

100 Human Warlock
Hide yo kids , hide yo wife , hide yo husbands !! Battlemaster guild thinks they can pvp! Its fun watching them die at Org. Stay thirsty my friends, maybe all that bg farming will help you in real pvp.

Anyways Wud up SoE!

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100 Blood Elf Rogue
Im just havin fun with ya'll , i only know Archi from ya'lls guild , hes a well rounded pvp'er, made a name for himself amongst us <WGS> , the rest i dont know so i troll cuz ratings prove your worth!

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90 Human Rogue
=D I have you on skype I just realized!
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85 Human Death Knight
Lol annullo, you have less rating then me as a rogue gtfo.
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100 Human Warlock
Whatcha got to say now Rockan? Come at me bro! Ya you do Archi hit me up sometime. Poor lil guy Rockan though thinks that hitting over 1800 this season means something. Check dates man, On my rogue i was hiting 1900 for weapons when rating was required , prolly around the time when u or any of your alts couldnt hit over 1600's lol. Archi remembers my rogue in the sewers dueling up a storm and beating alot of people.... Back when assassins were cool :I. Anyways you can rant and rave all you want , try to measure epeen but the fact will always be from ratings and the dates of the ratings. Hell back in s5 my rogue was hitting 1.8's- 1.9's when the top rating in the world was only 2.3-2.4k. Till then , keep practicing , you will get as good as Archi.

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100 Blood Elf Rogue
Gah i remember the days when <WGS> ran SoE. Almost every member was anywhere from 1850 - 2.5k. hell i remember the days when Azmodine would run around and gank people as a cookie cutter mace spec from S2-S4. SoE has lost alot of its pvp greats and fun fun FUN world pvp times. Its great that Archi is still bringing some spark to it.

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90 Human Rogue
Woot! <3 u too. World PvP in my mind is super fun, arena takes more skill, but World way funnier =D.
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90 Human Rogue
Annullo I need your skype name, again I Don't know if I have it anymore =(
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85 Human Death Knight
Taita are you mad bro holy !@#$ I said one thing, and as for the history of your wow expierence idfc lol i have a whole 40 day in this game on all chars lol. So this is the first season ive played really. Ive almost caught up to you already bro. So quit thinking your god or something and %^-* k?
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85 Human Death Knight
Ps - Quit living in the !@#$ing past. Prove yourself now or why even play.
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100 Human Warlock
06/08/2012 05:13 PMPosted by Rockan
Taita are you mad bro holy !@#$ I said one thing, and as for the history of your wow expierence idfc lol i have a whole 40 day in this game on all chars lol. So this is the first season ive played really. Ive almost caught up to you already bro. So quit thinking your god or something and %^-* k?
LoL almost doesnt cut it man , ask Arch how much skill and dedication it takes to get to 2.2k +. And why would you think im mad ,Im smiling and laughing quite a bit by your attitude , your just like every other below avg pvp'er who THINKS they are better without having to prove anything. Show me dont tell me lol. Its like me saying im better than a Glad or R1, i have no proof at all. So get some stripes 1st then i will take you seriously , till then Stay Thirsty!
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
06/08/2012 05:02 PMPosted by Anonymøus
Annullo I need your skype name, again I Don't know if I have it anymore =(
In game message my pala on soe ally , Steelbo , ill reply back or if im on sometime ill see if your on
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90 Human Rogue
Sounds good.
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85 Human Death Knight
And I will get there as I said before I am still relatively new to pvp, however I am not bad by any means so quit insulting me. You threw the first stone but I digress to my previous statement. Stop living in the past if your so good why dont I see your name anywhere on the leaderboards or hear your name around but yet I see you talking !@#$ on the forums.
Edited by Rockan on 6/8/2012 5:42 PM PDT
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90 Human Rogue
Annullo he is pretty good for how long he has been playing I will say not the best, but not the worst and always improveing. So don't fight you two, both of you guys are amazinly skilled players I have seen and fought both So I know lol.
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85 Human Death Knight
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
06/08/2012 05:37 PMPosted by Rockan
And I will get there as I said before I am still relatively new to pvp, however I am not bad by any means so quit insulting me. You threw the first stone but I digress to my previous statement. Stop living in the past if your so good why dont I see your name anywhere on the leaderboards or hear your name around but yet I see you talking !@#$ on the forums.
I didnt directly insult you at all , i was just spicin up the forums a lil bit lol. I dont really live in the past , its just the fact that 1900's now is like being 1500 back then , it just shows my progression as far as my pvp skills go. And the reason why you dont see my name on leaderboards is because i quit the game as well as pvp towards the end of season 9, RL makes you do stuff like that lol. As well as my name goes ,well , Steebo / Steelbo has been a name of SoE for a long time , both good and bad haha , as far as my rogue goes , alot of the rated people on SoE remember Annullo or "Blend" when i was ally. As Taita it was human warlock who had the #2 5's on ( we were about 22nd place in whirlwind) SoE when i was ally in <Why So Furious> before we went to hside to created <We gem Skill>. Like i said before , alot of the pvp greats who knew me very well left SoE or quit playing (some im still in contact wit). But ya , just chill man , its just a game , show some sportsmanship k
Edited by Annullo on 6/8/2012 5:53 PM PDT
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85 Human Death Knight
I am showing sportsmanship and I do know its a game.
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85 Gnome Priest
I posted here, game over, I win, move on.
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