Looking for a Roleplaying Realm

2 Blood Elf Hunter
Hello Sisters of Elune! I am currently searching for an RP realm to join, and I was hoping you could tell me about this server. I'd like to find a place with friendly people, a balanced mix of Alliance and Horde (I'm looking to play both factions), roleplaying (of course), and just somewhere I can level up, quest, run dungeons, do the occasional raid, and have fun playing the game! A realm with a decent amount of players would be ideal, with as few trolls as possible. Thanks for your help!
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Howdy! There've been a couple of threads like yours already, so rather than just looking at my 2 cents response, I'd recommend looking at those as well:

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5152409478 (example)

Before transferring to any server, I'd recommend rolling an alt - just to get a sense of the community first, especially on role playing servers.

Then, join the channels /rpchatter and /LFRP (on both Horde and Alliance) to meet some fellow role players.

Check out some ongoing open world RP events: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2228418866

We're a good group, give us a try on an alt and see how you like it. My general thoughts, alliance players tends to be a bit more open and chatty (especially in the rpchatter channel). Horde is good too, but it tends to be somewhat more confined to groups and guilds - not a bad thing, but potentially harder to come across at random. Definitely check out the posted RP events.

I play primarily Rongar on Horde and Eyezeria, Farfallen or Wigglebolt on Alliance. If you roll an alt, say "hi".
Edited by Rongar on 6/2/2012 3:44 PM PDT
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86 Night Elf Priest
Can't say much more than Rongar hasn't already! We're small but the only way to grow is to add to the ranks!
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2 Blood Elf Hunter
Alright, thank you both for your help! I'll have to check you guys out. :)
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... and welcome to SoE!
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2 Blood Elf Hunter
06/02/2012 09:07 PMPosted by Rongar
... and welcome to SoE!

Great to be here :)
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