Fun in Orgimar :)! pvp video
AMG... BATTLEMASTER kicked in the gates to Org, kidnapped me (though my admirers did try to free me) and obsconded with their prize to Stormwind @.@
I was made to drink Dwavern Ale and table dance at the Slaughtered Lamb.
YOU FIENDS !!! (call me.)
I was made to drink Dwavern Ale and table dance at the Slaughtered Lamb.
YOU FIENDS !!! (call me.)*aVWQ&feature=plcp
2nd part I guess...
Anyone would like PoV warlock? So I can record next time?
2nd part I guess...
Anyone would like PoV warlock? So I can record next time?
Where is last night's video? >:C
I wish the people who, back in wrath/beginning of cata, spent hours at a time sitting around stormwind killing alliance as they came at us had recorded it :(
It went about as well for the alliance as it is for the hordies in this video. Sigh at least they didn't just all blue flag jump with 20+ vs your lil group of 6 or 7.
Next time I wanna see IN the city maybe up by the portals. No retreat option only death is your way out >:O theirs or yours.
PS I still visit cause ALL of my alts are on this server and it is amusing how few good players are left on horde :\ server shifted to alliance like 4 months ago when leetster and them stopped caring.
It went about as well for the alliance as it is for the hordies in this video. Sigh at least they didn't just all blue flag jump with 20+ vs your lil group of 6 or 7.
Next time I wanna see IN the city maybe up by the portals. No retreat option only death is your way out >:O theirs or yours.
PS I still visit cause ALL of my alts are on this server and it is amusing how few good players are left on horde :\ server shifted to alliance like 4 months ago when leetster and them stopped caring.
Edited by Rophy on 6/16/2012 12:32 AM PDT
I wish the people who, back in wrath/beginning of cata, spent hours at a time sitting around stormwind killing alliance as they came at us had recorded it :(
It went about as well for the alliance as it is for the hordies in this video. Sigh at least they didn't just all blue flag jump with 20+ vs your lil group of 6 or 7.
Next time I wanna see IN the city maybe up by the portals. No retreat option only death is your way out >:O theirs or yours.
PS I still visit cause ALL of my alts are on this server and it is amusing how few good players are left on horde :\ server shifted to alliance like 4 months ago when leetster and them stopped caring.
I wish they'd make guards less strong, as it stands, you can have something like 20+ guards spawn and they'll actually do more damage than the horde, we found ourselves backing up a few times cause we easily had two dozen guards.
06/29/2012 04:34 AMPosted by RampardI wish they'd make guards less strong, as it stands, you can have something like 20+ guards spawn and they'll actually do more damage than the horde, we found ourselves backing up a few times cause we easily had two dozen guards.
When we came and sat around in SW near the beginning of cata it was so bad we had to pick the farm area to sit in just so we would get less guards. Then we got Spawns to come and PvE tank the guards. Made everything SO much more manageable. We would push into the dwarven district by that AH and bank. That always got us plenty of attention.
Nice work. Its funny to me that the only way "we" (the alliance) could ever start to hold our own or compete with the horde is when they "stopped caring". Of course it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the alliance finally cultivated a pvp culture.
I didn't say you didn't hold your own I said it shifted to full on Alliance about 4 months ago, it was fairly even then. I was just saying the shift of power was complete and finite at that point in time.
Alliance has always had a PvP culture, just because you all finally found each other... doesn't mean it wasn't always there.
Of course I am mostly talking about the main PvPers I know. No need to assume the worst.
Alliance has always had a PvP culture, just because you all finally found each other... doesn't mean it wasn't always there.
Of course I am mostly talking about the main PvPers I know. No need to assume the worst.
Fair enough sir. My hope is that MOP will give us some exciting world pvp oppurtunities.
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