Is this how the lfrp channel works?

90 Blood Elf Priest
Originally i wasn't going to say anything but I changed my mind because I don't think its fair to tell new players we are on the verge of rebirth when things like this happen.

I joined the lfrp channel several nights ago to see if there was anything going on. There was only one other person there. They informed me that they weren't going to be on much longer. But they did stay on long enough to tell me that they wouldn't rp with me anyways because of issues caused by someone else. Someone I associated with so I guess that means i have to be punished for their actions.

I've said sorry to the people I need to (and gotten those apologizes thrown back at me) and tried to start over but when things like this happen its a step backwards.

I'm not a plague and Im not the afore mentioned someone else. And i think its absolutley ridiculous that this happened.
Edited by Allainn on 6/15/2012 11:23 PM PDT
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I play fairly evenly on both factions now, and generally the Alliance /lfrp and /rpchatter channels are way, way chattier than their Horde counterparts.

I am not discrediting what happened to you (being overlooked for RP by virtue of who you are associated with) - which stinks - but from what I have experienced, Horde tends to RP more within established role playing guilds and previously established groups. Alliance tends to be a bit more open.

Not sure why this is the case (after all, there are a number of folks playing both Alliance and Horde characters on SoE). It just is.

For any newcomers to the server, I'd be almost inclined to encourage them to try Alliance first. Always check out any of the RP events on either faction: - players at those events are ready to RP, and it's always easy to make some connections that way.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
06/15/2012 08:37 AMPosted by Rongar
I play fairly evenly on both factions now, and generally the Alliance /lfrp and /rpchatter channels are way, way chattier than their Horde counterparts

06/15/2012 08:37 AMPosted by Rongar
but from what I have experienced, Horde tends to RP more within established role playing guilds and previously established groups. Alliance tends to be a bit more open.

I've made both those observations myself. I've been playing more on alliance side and have found it to be a much friendlier and open. And that is a shame. Not a shame that aliiance is friendlier but that horde seems to fall way behind. Now I know I'm not always the chattiest in these channels. However, a couple times on horde rpchatter when I have tried to say hi or acknowlege others within the channel I've gotten completely ignored. By the same people that helped set up these channels no less. And i suspect its for similar reasons why I got snubbed in lfrp.

Lfrp, as I understand it was supposed to be a way for those not in the special cliquey cliques to get rp, and break into the community. -Not- get insulted.
Edited by Allainn on 6/15/2012 9:39 AM PDT
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06/15/2012 09:35 AMPosted by Allainn
a couple times on horde rpchatter when I have tried to say hi or acknowlege others within the channel I've gotten completely ignored.

I am probably guilty of that as well. Lately, I've only played Rongar to get heirloom gear for power-leveling alts before Mists of Pandaria launches. When I am healing, I am having a hard time keeping up with /rpchatter.

But if you see me bumming about Orgrimmar, feel free to say "hi".
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Check it out...

It's not the channel's fault that no one is using it. First off. Whatever your issues's not with the channel it's with the server, and the people on it. If you want something to work, promote it, don't get on here tearing something down that was created to try and help. If everyone wants to be a recluse and hold grudges, perhaps the title of this thread should have been something about that, not the fact that we as players misuse the tools we're given to better the server, and/or don't even use those tools at all.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Originally i wasn't going to say anything but I changed my mind because I don't think its fair to tell new players we are on the verge of rebirth when things like this happen.I joined the lfrp channel several nights ago to see if there was anything going on. There was only one other person there. They informed me that they weren't going to be on much longer. But they did stay on long enough to tell me that they wouldn't rp with me anyways because of issues caused by someone else. Someone I associated with so I guess that means i have to be punished for their actions.I've said sorry to the people I need to (and gotten those apologizes thrown back at me) and tried to start over but when things like this happen its a step backwards.

Aspellaree makes a valid point, however again if you want the RP you get what you give. Sitting around like a wall flower will not make it fall in your lap. Some folks have offered to RP with you if my memory serves right to which the response was non-committal or a log off. If you wish to take shots at this tool, it does not help that the most some of us have seen you log on for a few seconds then off and can barely get a hello off and are even luckier if we get a response.

I also know some choice individuals made comments to you about leaving the server which were rude, unfounded and blatently disrespectful. I am still irked by that immensely. THAT is what hurts the server. As well as the rumor mill and taking what people say as gospel without screen shots etc to back it up. There is too much of that bs going around. No one on are server is above others.

Unfortunately the whole guit by association thing goes around and bad as it is, it occurs and I have experienced it as well. I made the choice to distance myself and he moved on to another server and I ended up having to remove this person from my guild after I found out they were doing some rather unsavory things (no this is not the same person you may be referring to). My offer still stands to RP on some of my alts, trhe choice is yours. If people are that shallow move on and find folks that wil RP.

No matter what people say, yes we may be pixels but real people play the characters and have feelings. Those indivuduals that feel they have to be the martyr of the server and lead witch hunts or crusades thought they may feel it is justified still hurt the people it is aimed at. They may have the best intentions, that doesn't make it right. All of us have done something in the past that have upset someone. One can either play the blame and point the finger game or own up to their actions.

So remember when you point the finger at others or a tool, there are those pointing right back at you. For those who wish to make accusations, have the proof and do not hold the action of another individual over another that may have been just as led on or duped or may still be their friend. They are -separate- people and should not be judged by the shortcomings and actions of another, especially when they do not condone the other's actions or have tried to stop them. At least they attempted to do the right thing which is more than I can say for others.

Each person handles things how they are comfortable with, as far as apologies go, I can only speak of our conversation and I was made to feel like even though I accepted things I was still the bad guy. I know we have talked and I even have tried to find neutral ground with you. I felt like things done by another induvidual were totally ok and that they could do no wrong by how they were defended. I am leaving it at that and if you wish to discuss it further feel free to contact me whan I am on.
Edited by Talibah on 6/15/2012 12:59 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Your idea?
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Ya'll take my idea and turn it into a drama-fest.


This was an idea that manifested as a result of a preliminary RP community meeting hosted roughly two months ago. I hosted that meeting.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Awesome for you! You must be super proud. I've got some cookies, you want one?
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Take it up with people on the unofficial forums. Also, if you read the thread you'd understand that -some- of us are trying to make things work while others only want to tear it down, though, I don't really recall when anyone asked for someone from WrA the drama capitol of WoW to put their two cents in on the SoE forums. =D
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Oh, you did something you think was original? Congrats! :D Hope you enjoy WrA, good luck over there. See ya!
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Your statement lacks merit simply because you traveled to another realm's forums to spark drama.
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85 Night Elf Druid
As for ideas that were already created, that's most likely true. After all, with millions of people on this game, it's nearly impossible to have one that is solely our own. I'm not taking credit for having created something original. I merely suggested something that might work, and whether it's present on other servers wasn't a concern of mine.

As for the hearsay of bad happenings and whatnot, all I know is that there are still some good people here that genuinely wish to see RP grow. While I'm sure you had only the best intentions in your attempt to brandish an idea that's in place on quite a few servers for years now, I'll assure you that we're not trying to win a race of ideas, but rather the more important one of helping a community that's been splintered after years of existence.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Then I suppose we'll have to write apology notes to the countless other servers that have implemented a channel. Though frankly, I thought we were beyond petty things like taking credit for the birth of a channel for people to communicate in. No one is actually claiming credit for the idea, merely the suggestion of its use.
Edited by Ashke on 6/15/2012 8:01 PM PDT
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