Guys guys! Check this out, this Vincentus guy is totes our messiah! He's here to save SoE guys! Everyone bow down and worship him because he's gonna rescue us! His server has -no- drama whatsoever! He's completely drama free and so is all of WrA! /grovel
Is this how the lfrp channel works?
Enjoy that, take care! :D
Above is the priome example of why insulting a "tool" vs. being upset with the people that do not use said tool is the real issue. I love how people post crap then delete it after they say it. This is just as bad as attacking the tool only logging into LFRP or RPChatter and logging right back off and not really starting conversations.
You get what you give from RP and sitting around waiting for it to happen won't make it appear out of thin air. This thread went from a post that had its name changed due to its original message, to who knows what.
You get what you give from RP and sitting around waiting for it to happen won't make it appear out of thin air. This thread went from a post that had its name changed due to its original message, to who knows what.
FYI you have no clue what I wrote in that deleted post, nor will you ever. Don't jump to conclusions. After this topic got derailed I deleted my post so that it could just die. Stop making assumptions please.
And, i have turned off all channels, so there is no reason for me to start conversations. And I did start a conversation and that is what lead to my frustration. You don't know my life or what I do or not do when I log in. I have a job and it is one that is starting to take up more and more time. I would rather spend the little free time I do have working on other toons that I do enjoy and rp on, not one that I have lost an interest in. When you see me log in and log out quickly it is because im either doing my daily alch transmute, checking mail or sending things to alts. Since I no longer rp or run heroics on this toon she has become something of a bank alt for the time being. I keep mats, gold, heirlooms and various other things so I'm constantly sending things back and forth. Times when I have been on longer was because I was helping a friend transfer stuff back and forth between alliance.
[quote="58351993849"]You get what you give from RP and sitting around waiting for it to happen won't make it appear out of thin air."
Thats why I was in the channel that sparked this thread in the first place. I -do- intend to work at it and I know it won't just happen. I went into the channel hoping to find something to revive rp for me on this toon. However instead of getting rp, I got insulted. And continue to be so when people like you just make assumptions about what I wrote in a deleted post.
And, i have turned off all channels, so there is no reason for me to start conversations. And I did start a conversation and that is what lead to my frustration. You don't know my life or what I do or not do when I log in. I have a job and it is one that is starting to take up more and more time. I would rather spend the little free time I do have working on other toons that I do enjoy and rp on, not one that I have lost an interest in. When you see me log in and log out quickly it is because im either doing my daily alch transmute, checking mail or sending things to alts. Since I no longer rp or run heroics on this toon she has become something of a bank alt for the time being. I keep mats, gold, heirlooms and various other things so I'm constantly sending things back and forth. Times when I have been on longer was because I was helping a friend transfer stuff back and forth between alliance.
[quote="58351993849"]You get what you give from RP and sitting around waiting for it to happen won't make it appear out of thin air."
Thats why I was in the channel that sparked this thread in the first place. I -do- intend to work at it and I know it won't just happen. I went into the channel hoping to find something to revive rp for me on this toon. However instead of getting rp, I got insulted. And continue to be so when people like you just make assumptions about what I wrote in a deleted post.
Edited by Allainn on 6/17/2012 12:18 AM PDT
*gets popcorn*
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