Helping the Hordies <3

100 Orc Warrior
In a world with no real PvP objectives (save TB which I gave up queuing for when it was apparent there's a "hidden tenacity" that allows more Alliance in than Horde.) harassing guards must take a lot of practice, dedication, and skill.

BTW, how's the Alliance progress in H DS going?
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90 Human Paladin
6/8 H DS last i checked, most progressed ally guild on the server.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
me & my bf Came here few days ago once we get our gear set for pvp we will be doing TB alot & maybe WG since im one making him go :P so hopefully soon i can get us finished.

Welcome!!!!!!!! Horde could always use some more people for TB :D

ty! we will try to get every que :P so far so good
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90 Human Paladin
As with pvp on this server:

Everyone has their own interest in what they do on a server. The fact that this server is labeled a RP server, shouldn't justify what a person does on the server. Its pretty much just a way to sort out all the servers. Maybe a Pvper has a friend that likes to occasionally RP. Maybe a Pvpers family are on this server.

I didn't join this server to RP, I did it cause i had a friend or two on this server. And 4 years later, I'm GL of the most progressed Alliance guild on this server. I Pvp sometimes, id like to do it more. But apparently Ret pallies aren't that reliable, at least what I was told all through Wotlk.

I mostly think of myself as a Pvp Filter. I somewhat know what I'm doing and can beat people who don't know what their doing. Not that I'm dissing anyone iv beaten in a duel, I know a duel is more about the difference between the 2 classes than about actual fighting. But im sure a rogue will always beat a ret pally, that's just how the mechanics go.

Every time I've dueled Anonymøus, iv pretty much lost. Its Because he knows what hes doing. Sure I've beat him before but I'm sure its was because of mistakes on his half and pure dumb luck on mine.

I too would like to see more Pvp, I need practice. The days of being pushed back to the WG graveyard are gone now. The horde back then, even with their superior numbers, still complained about tenacity. To tell the truth, the tenacity didn't do anything. Yes it allowed people to live 10 secs longer, pretty much it.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
good TB just min ago! 5 groups on horde side filled! i'll keep shouting in trade hopefully more keep queing!
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90 Worgen Druid
07/22/2012 04:58 PMPosted by Chásity
i'll keep shouting in trade hopefully more keep queing!

Please do!!
Edited by Chrixus on 7/23/2012 6:52 AM PDT
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100 Troll Druid
07/22/2012 04:58 PMPosted by Chásity
good TB just min ago! 5 groups on horde side filled! i'll keep shouting in trade hopefully more keep queing!

Yeah, please do keep doing that. :D I forget about it sometimes :(, so a nice friendly reminder in trade is always helpful.
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90 Human Warrior
LMAO horde complaining about imbalance during pvp. Funniest damn thing I've heard in months.

07/22/2012 08:59 AMPosted by Káhn
In a world with no real PvP objectives (save TB which I gave up queuing for when it was apparent there's a "hidden tenacity" that allows more Alliance in than Horde.)

You must be the must be an extremely shortsighted individual. Reference the last 5 years on soe.
Edited by Macbride on 7/25/2012 7:56 AM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
14735 much as I am loathe to admit it. The horde are apparently not outnumbered, and they had no trouble bashing the !@#$ out of us in multiple TB que's tonight. So for all of you frontrunner horde; get back on the bandwagon, your friends have started to come out of hibernation. Alliance...I am merely a foot soldier; it takes a determined force to root out a dug in foe. If you want really good contested pvp now may be the time.

p.s. to be honest I enjoy the underdog role :)
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90 Human Warrior
"salute" you horde bastards
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This thread is a bit old but I think the reason the Horde's fire isn't what it use to be is because of how close it is to MoP & that fact it is summer. It will pick up again a bit after Mist drops.

@OP though, its great to see the Alliance taking a more active part in PVP on SoE. Wintergrasp days were depressing (on either side). WG battles of like 120 horde vs 5 alliance sucked big time. If the Alliance can continue this when the Horde picks back up again SoE will not be a bad place to PVP at all.

Lastly, SoE is a RP realm yes, but RP-wise a big part of that is the war between the Horde and Alliance, more so in Cata then ever. That why a group of Alliance attacking the gates of ORG can be fun for Non-PVPers who RP. Jump in, try to help out. Undergeared, who cares! It is all in good fun. You die, you rez, if you wanna stop, just run off and get away from the battle. If you wanna jump into the heat of things, do it!
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