Alliance/Horde Symposium

85 Gnome Mage
((I'll write the official RP announcement below, a quick summary of the idea up here. Since we're near the end of the expansion, I thought a fun event might be to have a symposium where players gather to hear and see the latest and greatest Food, Weapons/Armor, Random Objects, Poetry/Music, Religious Insights, ect. For example, a blacksmith shows off some high level gear they made noting it's improvements over previous items, or a Dwarf recites a new ballad on some recent heroic events.

In my vision, we will set up the presenters ahead of time so they can prepare their script, each receiving around 5 minutes (maybe a little more depending on the material) with a possible Q/A for certain things if desired. The whole event should last no more than an hour, maybe an hour and a half if we have a lot of really good ideas. I would be glad to host the event (actual toon will be decided later since Vorya isn't on SoE) or if another guild would like to run the event we can work that out too. In fact, having a guild volunteer to provide drinks/food would be greatly appreciated, but isn't necessary.

Finally, if people are willing, it might be fun to have the opposite faction "crash the party" at the end of the symposium (let all the presenters finish before attacking). While most people may not wish to engage in pvp, there may be some who do and this could be an interesting way to bring that about. In addition, I would like to do this Alliance and Horde side, perhaps on different nights. All suggestions are welcome, including exact time and day.

Proposed schedule:

--Alliance: Tuesday, July 10, time TBA
--Horde: Friday, July 13, time TBA))

((Alliance)) A brightly arrayed gnome scrambles uneasily onto a podium obviously not build with gnomes in mind. He takes out his amplificationtronomatic and pushes the big red button on the side.

"Attention, citizens of Azeroth and--is this thing on??" Pulling out his remodeled spanner, he makes a small adjustment to some unseen screw, then continues. "Citizens of Azeroth and the Alliance! Have you been to the front lines of battle? Have you created the most amazing souffle? Have you some new thingamajig, whatchamacallit, or both? Well now is the time to show off! I'm looking for presenters for the first ever symposium of...of..." He shuffles his notes some, looking desperately for a note of where he was, but failing. After a moment he raises his head back up, smiling. "Symposiumness! Well, what are you waiting for? Come and sign up now!" He unfurls a roll of parchment on a nearby table and sits behind it, waiting for people to sign up.

((Horde)) A shadily dressed goblin wheels a rickety cart in front of but just off the side of the Orgrimmar auction house. He jumps on top while his assistant starts turning a crank on the backside, raising him up bit by bit until he is about 10 feet in the air.

"Attention! Your attention please! I am proud to announce the first ever symposium for the Horde, featuring our best and brightest presenters! Everyone from culinary masters, to the polished veterans, to respected storytellers will be there! Are you one of them? Then for a mere 100g you can--" His assistant got his attention and whispered to him. "Whaddya mean the event is FREE!? Oh well, I'm sure we can work something out..." The cart begins to wobble precariously. "Anyhow, the event is scheduled and all I need are for you to sign up! First come first serve, and don't push!" The cart wobbles so much from his exhuberant display, his assistant can no longer keep it stable nor get him down fast enough, and the cart crashes into the mailbox and knocks a guard over. "What? Like it's MY fault...I'll just be over here." The goblin and his assistant remake the cart into a makeshift table, unrolling a blank parchment and motioning for people to come and sign it.
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85 Gnome Mage
--reserved for additional information--
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sounds awesome!
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Aye, this actually seems like a really cool way to approach the Mists of Pandaria release. I would love to join the Horde symposium, and I do believe that the guild Gentlemen Assassins would absolutely love to host (provide refreshments for) this event!
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85 Gnome Mage
Thanks for the interest so far! Please help me out by spreading the word to your guildies and friends. For those who would like to actively participate (i.e. present) please make a separate post with a short description of your topic.
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85 Gnome Mage
Just passing along a message from Marcela:

Tell Talibah/Emuishere that Marcela says, "Hi".
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85 Gnome Mage
Okay, to assist with the process of gaining presenters, here's a list (with a title if needed) of the presenters in no particular order. This way you know more exactly what I'm thinking of.
Also, it isn't necessary that we have ALL of these topics! As long as we get several good ones we can still do the event! Remember topics should be 5 mintes or less, with the possible exceptions of the stories if it is really needed. Finally, if there is a topic you'd like to present that isn't on here, let me know and we'll try and work it in!
Introduction (done myself)
1. Story: Learning from Our Past (can include archaeology)
2. Shiny New Armor (possible special focus on tanks)
3. Shiny New Weapons (possible special focus on dps, can combine w/armor though)
4. Shiny New Gadgets. (Engineering focus)
5. Cataclysmic Recipes (cooking)
6. Tailoring for Success (tailoring)
7. Enhancing Your Chemistry (alchemy, including herbalism)
8. Arcane Transcriptions (inscription)
9. Story: End of Twilight, Breaking Dawn (focus on the present conflict)
10. Focus Crystals and You (Jewelcrafting)
11. Rugged Exterior, Soft Interior (Leatherworking with skinning)
12. Medical Mayem (anything regarding healing)
13. Isn't it Enchanting? (enchanting)
14. Story: Divining our Future (look to MoP without giving it away for lore purposes)
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85 Gnome Mage
Official time for the event is now 8:00 CST for both Alliance and Horde on their respective days.

In addition, I have a few toons already on SoE, and so if needed, I will use them to do some presentations (but I would certainly much rather have others help!).

Also I will start a calendar event in game so if you see me spamming for the event, whisper me and I'll send you an invite!
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85 Gnome Mage
*utilizes gnomish forum uplift device*
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90 Human Hunter
Send an invite to this dashing nobleman right 'ere, gentlegnome.

-le moustache flex-
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100 Tauren Shaman
Let me discuss with GL and other officers we may be able to do something here.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Wow, it's coming up tomorrow!

I probably can't log in as early as 8:00 PM, but I will get there when I can.

Good luck with the event, I think it's great that you are doing it.
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85 Gnome Mage
Attention: Due to circumstances beyond my control, the event tonight may be pushed back by up to 1 hour. If you wish to be invited to the Alliance event tonight, send a mail to Lhena and she will invite you when I am able to start tonight. At this time, the Horde event on Friday should not be affected at all. Thank you and see you tonight!
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