Merger / Recruitment for Momentum.

100 Night Elf Hunter
Hello everyone. I am the guild leader of MOMENTUM(25) a Leveling Guild. We normally recruit folks looking for a good - drama free place to level their characters while earning achievements and finishing off 5 and 10man content.

However we are now looking for something in addition to all that as well.

We are Seeking to invite a merger with an existing pvp group or pvp guild to earn guild pvp achievements for Momentum. (Inviting Individuals as well.)

We want to share our lvl 25 perks, guild resources, web site & Vent in exchange for the PVP achievements that would be earned for the guild.

We have a few PVPers but none that are hardcore nor enough to earn the achievements as you need a minimum of 10 for some of them.

Anyone that wants to take us up on this offer would of course be welcome to stay on to level and progress through Mists as well (this is not a temporary offer) Members would also be able to apply for spots in our raid teams, take part in our daily heroic groups and benefit from the other perks we give guild members such as repairs, glyphs, gems and enchants.

If you are the leader of a PVP guild or even the member of a pvp group and you are interested in working out an arrangement with Momentum, please contact me and we can discuss all the details!

Thanks in advance

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85 Human Warlock
I don't get this ad, are you looking for new members or just people to complete the PvP achievements for your guild?
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100 Night Elf Hunter
we are looking to bring another guild ( one that is just starting or low/mid level ) or existing PVP team into Momentum to give them a high level home with lots of support while they PVP as they did when they were in their previous guild.

The goal of this is to have the PVP achievements completed for Momentum while at the same time supporting those that are earning the achievements with the materials they need to do it.

We recruit individuals as well so if someone reading this wants to join on their own they can.... but the main focus is to merge with an existing group that wants to have the perks of a large guild supporting them, while still getting to do their own thing.

We want to have our RP/PVE side give what they can to the new PVP side in exchange for all the hard work it takes to get the PVP achievements.

This way everyone in the guild benefits from having ALL the achievements but no one is forced to PVE/PVP if they don't want to!
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