[A] Council of Dragons Recruiting [7/18/12]

90 Night Elf Druid
Council of Dragons is looking to bolster our ranks with a few new members. We have completed normal Dragon Soul on both 10 and 25 man, and we are currently 5/8 in our heroic 10m progression. We are looking for active players who want to participate in our weekly raids during the end of Cataclysm and who will continue on with us in Mists of Pandaria.

We are particularly looking to recruit a handful of skilled healers and tanks to round out our raid core. We are also somewhat heavy on melee DPS currently, and would like to find a few ranged DPS to give us a more balanced spread. We will, however, be happy to review any applications from players who are likely to be a good fit with our guild.

The Council of Dragons has an "everyone gets to raid policy." This means that if you want to raid, have the appropriate gear and come prepared; every effort will be made to see that you raid. Most importantly, we require that applicants be mature, friendly and polite.

We are a casual raiding guild that believes that your time is your time. However, if you signup to raid, then we expect you to be prepared by having the appropriate spec, gear and consumables for your class.

Our raid time is currently Tuesday evening, starting at 7pm server time and ending at 10pm. If we have enough interest and availability, we will resume our second night of raiding on Wednesday evenings from 7-10 pm server.

If you are interested in joining CoD, please visit our website at http://councilofdragons.guildiaunch.com and use the "Apply to Guild" link on the lefthand menu to fill out an application. We also encourage you to read our policies (http://councilofdragons.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=178421&gid=29848) before applying.

If you have questions, please contact me in-game by whisper or mail.

Thank you!
Edited by Tzufit on 7/18/2012 12:12 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*cross-faction hip bump*

Ohaithar... :3
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90 Night Elf Druid
O hai! Thanks for the bump. :)
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85 Human Warrior
The Gottfried raided with several members of CoD once, during the ToC days of Wrath.

The Gottfried officially gives them four thumbs up. No explanation needed, just four thumbs up.

..........Therefore, by -MY WILL- there will be cookies and it shall be given to them.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Thank you there, sir. Cookies, like bumps, are always much appreciated.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Hey Tzufit! How are you doing?

Any plans on killing Heroic spine anytime soon?

Oh yeah, bumpity bump :)
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90 Night Elf Druid
Hello there Kit - you look a little different than I remember. :)

After a bit of a hiatus thanks to the slow summer months, CoD is resuming work on heroic modes, yep.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Hehe, it was a tough decision to change, but I still love you all, and I do keep an alt with you as well.

I remember, I posted something on the guild forum and I got a reply:

"I can't understand, it's all in Blood Elf!" :)
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90 Night Elf Druid
CoD had a great night of heroic raiding last night, with 5 bosses down. Next week we will begin work on Heroic Warmaster and are still looking for some applicants to join us!

If you're interested, please apply at our website:
Edited by Tzufit on 7/18/2012 12:14 PM PDT
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