RPChatter Trolls Strike Again

100 Blood Elf Priest
Well it was done on Alliance guess Horde was gonna get hit sooner or later, a realy jerk put a password on RPChatter on Horde. Guess there are trolls on both sides of the fence that need toi be jerks to the people in th RP Community. Hopefully it will fix itself because it is does not encourage RP when RPer's are locked out of a common channel used to chat etc. Worst case, a new one can be created.
Edited by Talibah on 7/14/2012 9:02 PM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
Prolly some jerkface raider/pvp'er. Or one the so called RP'ers who talk the talk but dont walk the walk. <..this guy hates jerks, and people whom hold grudges. And most of all griefers.
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