(A) <Need> recruiting!

85 Night Elf Druid
Level 6 guild looking to expand. We're a small, casual guild that focuses on RP, PvE, and PvP. We have five bank tabs, and helpful, friendly members. Vent and active players means you'll never be without company or assistance if you need it! No, we can't claim all the perks, but if you're looking for a good home that won't lose you in the crowd, look no further!

Feel free to whisper/mail Ashke for further questions/comments. See you in game!
Edited by Ashke on 9/16/2012 5:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Greed's sister guild! Couldn't ask for a finer bunch of folks guys!
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85 Night Elf Druid
Charity has undergone a guild name change and is now <Need>. We are still recruiting! See you in game!
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85 Orc Warlock
I'm confused, so we have both a Guild named <Greed> and another named <Need> while Charity is no longer an active Guild name?
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Charity was a place holder name for Greed's Alliance sister guild, but now that we've gotten more members and since Ashke has taken over, the name was changed under her management. The name Charity is gone and has turned into Need. =D
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72 Worgen Rogue
If you like it then you shoulda rolled Need on it! -dances-
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85 Night Elf Druid
Or perhaps it's here I should be posting since I'm Alliance. *wink wink again*
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