I heard...

90 Dwarf Shaman
I heard that all the good pvpers left server when battlemasters left /disscuss
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Zomg nowai! -leans in close- I heard that that the real name of the guild Apples is Oranges...can you believe it?!
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90 Troll Druid
07/25/2012 03:51 PMPosted by Nyksis
Zomg nowai! -leans in close- I heard that that the real name of the guild Apples is Oranges...can you believe it?!

Who told you?!?!?!?!?!?
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90 Dwarf Shaman
I love me some pears.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Zomg nowai! -leans in close- I heard that that the real name of the guild Apples is Oranges...can you believe it?!

Who told you?!?!?!?!?!?

Zomg Kuruption you weren't supposed to know that I knew! -runs away flailing-
Edited by Nyksis on 7/25/2012 9:58 PM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
at least a dozen of the most competent pvp'ers ally side did leave. to include denosh fearless, vonhelsing etc. just not enough of a community on soe. gates of sw will be quieter.
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85 Night Elf Druid
07/27/2012 08:03 AMPosted by Macbride
at least a dozen of the most competent pvp'ers ally side did leave. to include denosh fearless, vonhelsing etc. just not enough of a community on soe. gates of sw will be quieter.

Yes lots. No surprise I wasn't mentioned, even though denosh & I were partners.
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90 Human Warrior
I mentioned you domeroth see there ..."etc." right at the end. good luck wish you guys all the best.
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90 Orc Warrior
nowadays you cant really "leave" the server, now that we have x-realms you will prbly see some of those peeps around the gates from time to time =P

aslo x-realm rbgs for the next season so yeah you might see those that you listed someday, ill be around, i still got freinds here to invite my 10 85s.. even you Bonesie... well hmmm hehe...

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1 Orc Rogue
Good PvP'ers?

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90 Orc Warrior
Good PvP'ers?


i dunno, there was alot of good pvp'ers in past battlemasters that are still good today... i wasnt one of them, hell i just loved being a part of that guild

i mean they wernt arena masters..maybe some of them could have been under the right circumstances..

but my reason for loving the guild was comradery, havnt been in a PVP guild on SOE with that trait since, but im sure there will be one someday
Edited by Tänkrä on 9/12/2012 5:55 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Zen is the only PvP guild left on SoE.

...and of course we welcome all players that love to PvP.

Come get in on rated battlegrounds, arena, and all the cool PvP stuff you can stand.

Zen, the home-grown, small-town realm guild that gets stuff done.

PvP, PvE, and RP too.

Come get your Zen on in Panda.
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85 Human Mage
There were good pvpers here a long time ago when i was here, haven't been here much in the last 6 months because I just stopped playing.
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90 Human Priest
A few of them are still kicking around. We have a few in our guild... maybe the names have changed but it's some of the same ol' fingers mashing those buttons. Good to see ya Icejob. Hope all is well for you and yours.

- Pen
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85 Night Elf Hunter
09/17/2012 11:22 AMPosted by Icejòb
There were good pvpers here a long time ago when i was here, haven't been here much in the last 6 months because I just stopped playing.

I remember those days... miss them, and running with a good dedicated crew.

I've considered transferring my hunter (Zeno) back (as I've already got 85s on various servers, PVP included)... but apparently there's no point.
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